Review: Sakurako-san Episode 2 – Even Better

If this episode has proved anything, it’s that Sakurako-san is willing to go a lot darker, and a lot better than anticipated.


Perhaps the very premise of Sakurako-san forces it to be a little dark, with her interest in bones, human bones in particular, and all. But, unlike last episode, these human remains aren’t four hundred years old, more like four hours old. The focus on murder this episode was quite the surprise, it’s not something seen often in anime, at all. This episode was so different it felt almost like an American Police Procedural, rather than anime.

Of course, this isn’t to say that it didn’t feel like an anime at all, certain moments were sure to remind us of that. From Sakurako’s bone parade to Shoutaro’s sudden martial art skills, especially when Sakurako managed to calm down little Yuuka by ranting about how great bones are.


The production values continues to impress, I didn’t notice a downgrade quality-wise at all. The visuals were still stunning even if the music was still a little forgettable.

This episodes story itself, was entertaining, but it was also pretty predictable. About eight minutes in I had the whole twist figured out, the baby was a surprise but none essential to the plot. It was clear this episodes plot was mostly to set up some longer plots for the show.

We have a new character (love interest?) introduced, Sakurako’s history with a ‘Soutaro,’ it’s likely that our main character ‘Shoutaro’ is similar enough to this presumably deceased Soutaro that Sakurako feels uncomfortable calling Shoutaro by his name, hence the ‘boy.’ It’s also likely that Shoutaro reminds Sakurako of Soutaro, perhaps why she hangs out with him.

Another interesting thing that might become a plot point is something mumbled by our druggie friend. He repeatedly mumbled about butterflies, and when being carried away by the police he claimed he had to get the butterflies to “him.” Perhaps a drug lord story line is in the works? That would be unique.

All in all, Sakurako-san continues to impress, with impressive visuals, entertaining characters, and possibly some interesting plotlines coming our way.


GJ Corban
GJ Corban
Hi there, I'm GJ Corban, that stands for Gregory Jr., but I've been accidentally called CJ, DJ, JJ, and even Jesus... thrice. Other than that I'm just a guy obsessed with storytelling and the culture and news that surround it.