
Punisher #1 should be able to bring in new fans while keeping older ones happy. It's filled with fun, violence and revenge!

REVIEW: PUNISHER #1 Takes No Prisoners!

There is a new man avenging crime in New York

Punisher #1 hits comic stores this week. Marvel has a tough task in front of them. They have to replace Frank Castle and reel in new fans. This has been done before. Miles Morales replaced Ultimate Peter Parker. Nick Fury Jr. replaced Nick Fury. Success is possible, but the story and the character need to be done well enough to engage readers. Writer David Pepose’s introductory issue pulls you right in. Joining Pepose on the issue are Dave Wachter on pencils with Dan Brown on colors and Cory Petit on letters.


Pepose is up to the task this week in Punisher #1. He introduces us to Joe Garrison. Joe’s story is similar to Frank Castle, but there is a difference. Garrison is joined by a friend called Triple-A. This is a cool character that helps Joe out with tech. So think of Oracle for Batman or Q for James Bond. This is an interesting touch for a punisher to have. Pepose makes Triple-A likable right off the bat. The character provides some clarity and comic relief when needed. In this debut issue, Pepose establishes that Garrison is an intelligent character. Through his sense of direction, and ability to track criminals and his ability to improvise while in a fight we get an idea of how good Garrison is. Finding hollow points in train tunnels and finding where the Sokovian is are one of the many examples Pepose uses to flash Garrison’s skill and intelligence.

Pepose also gives us a sense of how devoted Garrison is. He’s a man who has a goal of revenge, and this is made clear when he takes on several body guards for the Sokovian all at once. While he is out manned he is not out gunned. His determination and willingness to do whatever it takes is shown in these panels. Garrison will use anything at his disposal to get revenge. This will range from a bottle of alcohol to a lighter. Garrison will even put his body on the line as he takes damage from bodyguards to complete his mission. He’ll then use their own weapons against them and others as the fight continues. For an introductory issue, Punisher #1 is fun and intriguing. Joe Garrison seems like a fine character that you want to read more of. Pepose did a great job of giving the reader just enough to keep them hooked for next issue.


Review: PUNISHER #1 - What Is Primal Anger?


The pencils by Dave Wachter fit the type of story being told. In the earlier parts of the issue, Wachter uses a lot of shading to keep Joe’s appearance hidden. This is seen when Joe goes to the bar looking for the Sokovian. Wachter shades his entire face for all of the interaction. Wachter uses hatching and cross hatching on Joe’s face at several times throughout the issue to provide some grittiness and texture to the character as well. There is also a closeness with this book in certain panels. This is an issue that introduces several new characters, so it makes sense to give the reader close up panels to get a good look at them. The way the panels are set in certain pages gives us a sequential view of some of the action. This is made clear on the pages where Hyde transforms. Wachter show us an image of his chest expanding and his shirt ripping. The next panel shows his muscles enlarging. Then the classic back expanding. All of these panels take you step by step through the transformation and give the reader everything they want to see. There is also a fight page where Garrison takes on the Sokovian’s body guards. Wachter uses this page layout almost like a role of film. It’s sprawled out across the page and gives us Garrison hit by hit as he fights off villains.

The colors by Dan Brown have the task of complimenting the pencils and setting the tone for the book. Brown nails this perfectly as his moody colors really pop on a dark issue like this. When Joe uses his rail gun to hit criminals with body armor, Brown lights up the page with a vibrant blue streak. While dark tones and colors essentially rule the issue, there is a brief flashback sequence that Brown uses much lighter colors for. This breaks up the monotony of the same palette for the issue. Brown excels at making the colors appeal to your emotions. In the flashback sequence, you do feel lighter and happier. The colors have everything to do with that.


The letters by Cory Petit have their fingerprints all over this book. Sound effects are everywhere, and they’re placed in just the right spot. As Joe goes to use one of his big guns, Petit puts a small “KLK” as the gun locks in and a larger “VRRRRR” as the gun heats up. There is a lot of dialogue in this issue, so Petit had to place his word balloons in the right spot so they don’t interfere with the pencils. As the Sokovian talks with Hyde, Petit places his word balloons above all of the characters heads so everything is visible. When Joe is driving his motorcycle down the street, the narration is placed on his left hand side where it can be easily read. All of these little touches that Petit applies matter in the enjoyment of the book.

Review: PUNISHER #1 - What Is Primal Anger?


Punisher #1 is a fun issue that should bring in new fans while keeping older ones. David Pepose writes a good script that gives us a new character who seems interesting. The art department had a big hand in making this book a success. Their work and love for the material shows on the page. Punisher #1 is available at a comic shop near you!


Jeremy Carter
Jeremy Carter
This may be shocking news to some, but I've never dated a Kardashian. At night I work as a federal employee for the USPS, during the day I usually read comic books and watch endless hours of the People's Court. I once thought I ran into Steven Spielberg at the mall, but it was actually Steven Seagal
Punisher #1 should be able to bring in new fans while keeping older ones happy. It's filled with fun, violence and revenge!REVIEW: PUNISHER #1 Takes No Prisoners!