
Future State: Green Lantern #1 is an action-packed issue with two delightful side stories.

Review: FUTURE STATE: GREEN LANTERN #1 – Taking the Ring from the Lantern

Future State: Green Lantern #1, out now from DC Comics, shows us enthralling tales where members of the Green Lantern core lose their power rings. What will become of some of your favorite heroes when they are stripped of their powers?

Future State: Green Lantern #1 Art Example

“Last Lanterns”

The main story of Future State: Green Lantern #1, titled “Last Lanterns,” is an action-heavy story of John Stewart and a group of other lanterns defending an alien planet against invading hordes, which is easier said than done when none of them have access to a power ring. What we get is an epic gunfight that allows for the dynamic art of Tom Raney to shine. I felt the story lacked slightly, but Geoffrey Thorne more than made up for it by allowing the artist and colorist to shine. Thorne also did a fantastic job of establishing the feeling of a chaotic battle happening on all sides, which gives the reader an uneasy sense that an attack could come from anywhere. Mike Atiyeh provides a pleasant color palette to the story, and the brightly-colored aliens add energy to the otherwise plainly colored world. Andworld Design provides bold captions that add weight to action scenes and causes dramatic moments to have a much more profound impact on the reader.


Green Lantern: Future State #1 Coloring Example

“The Taking of Sector 0123”

“The Taking of Sector 0123” is a wonderfully written tale in Future State: Green Lantern #1 of Jessica Cruz defending a station from yellow lanterns. Written by Ryan Cody, the story feels a lot like Ridley Scott’s Alien, only now our hero is the vicious monster creeping through the vents. It is an intense story that is wonderfully complemented by the art of Sami Basai and the coloring of Hi-Fi. The lettering utilizes a stunning technique that works hand-in-hand with a story element. It is rare to have lettering make such a profound impact on a story, and it is incredible to see. I can’t describe the amazing lettering technique without giving away any spoilers, but rest assured, Dave Sharpe knocks it out of the park with his lettering in Future State: Green Lantern #1.

“The Book of Guy”

Guy Gardner is a character that is very easy to mishandle. His brash attitude is a neat trait, but it can result in him being unlikable if handled incorrectly. When the ring is taken away from him in “The Book of Guy,” Ernie Altbacker is able to tell us a Guy Gardner story that gets to the core of the character, and it is delightful. Clayton Henry’s art provides for excellent facial expressions that make every piece of dialogue pack a harder punch, and Marcelo Maiolo’s coloring features beautiful gradient shading that brings the characters to life. Steve Wands arranges the lettering so that the story is able to flow smoothly, and the result is an amazing, feel-good story.

Future State: Green Lantern #1 Lettering Example


Future State: Green Lantern #1 is not a book you will want to miss if you’re a Green Lantern fan. It presents your favorite characters in a way that we don’t often get to see and puts them in interesting situations that are an absolute joy to read. The art and coloring is breathtaking, and the issue features some of the coolest cases of lettering that I have seen in a while.

David Weber
David Weber
David Weber is a student at University of Rhode Island. He enjoys spending his time absorbing nearly every form of art, including comics, books, movies, and plays. He can be reached at
Future State: Green Lantern #1 is an action-packed issue with two delightful side stories. Review: FUTURE STATE: GREEN LANTERN #1 - Taking the Ring from the Lantern