
This issue was full of unexpected events that nevertheless tied into the established lore of the world.

Review: BOOKS OF MAGIC #23 Shows Us Possibilities Are Endless

BOOKS OF MAGIC #23, available in comic book stores on Tuesday, September 22nd, concludes the Dwelling in Possibly story arc in intriguing fashion. When faced with the knowledge of his potential villainous future, Timothy Hunter entered a deep bout of self-doubt and self-hate. What’s more, his former friends and school bully find themselves involved in a meeting of the future and the present. The resulting effect is a story of unexpected proportions.


Our story opens with Ellie, Fatima, and  Tyler—three schoolmates of Tim who have been roped into his magical mishaps, finding themselves at a literal crossroads. A mysterious figure shows up to offer them a choice: turn left and assist the young wizard, or take the right path to oppose him.


Given how much trouble Tim has caused his friends, it’s easy for readers to understand their choice. In this way writer David Barnett humanizes these characters—we don’t agree with their decision, but we recognize that even “good” characters are morally complicated.

The story proceeds to detail Tim’s otherworldly trial for supposedly killing thirty-six Cold Flame cultists. At this trial is Ms. Rose and Izzy, his two closest confidants. What’s confusing, however, is Rose’s double nature as Richard Occult.

This issue was full of unexpected events that nevertheless tied into the established lore of the world. We loved diving into Tim’s world of possibilities.


The illustrations in this issue are full of energy. Tom Fowler’s penciling and Craig Taillefer’s ink work gives readers characters fluid in their motions and detailed in their appearances. Marissa Louise’s coloring differentiates between each storyline—using eery reds, greens, and gray shades for the darker elements of the story and natural colors for Tim, Dr. Rose, and his friends’ panels. Todd Klein’s lettering helps distinguish these rival elements further by employing squiggled lines for the cultists’ speech and even curves for the protagonists’.


BOOKS OF MAGIC #23 wraps up this arc nicely. It gives readers just enough closure to salsify their queries while opening the door up for various other adventures in the series.

Were you satisfied with this arc’s conclusion? Let us know in the comments below!

Corey Patterson
Corey Patterson
A comic book nerd and reviewer with a special interest in the underlying themes of superhero, sci-fi and fantasy stories. He enjoys writing for Monkeys Fighting Robots, Pop Culture and Theology and other publications.
This issue was full of unexpected events that nevertheless tied into the established lore of the world.Review: BOOKS OF MAGIC #23 Shows Us Possibilities Are Endless