Story : J.H. Williams III & W. Haden Blackman
Art : J.H. Williams III
Review Score : 8/10
This issue starts at a break neck pace. Batwoman and her cousin / sidekick are in the middle of breaking up a robbery on a routine patrol night. Immediately you are taken back at how amazing the art is in this book. There is a sense of rhythm and pacing to the brawl that makes you stare in awe at each page. J.H uses a very cool X-Ray technique showing you the bone structure of each robber as they get punched , kicked and chopped by Kate and her cousin. We find out that Bruce has invited Batwoman to join Batman INC. and she has yet to make up her mind whether she should or not. The back and forth banter between the two siblings is a very typical way our writers catch us up to speed on the events of last issue . Cut to Detective Sawyer who is rudely greeted by D.E.O Cameron Chase. Chase wants Batwoman unmasked under her custody . She takes a few more swipes at Sawyer and then leaves her card with her urging her to contact her if she hears anything.
The writers choose to flesh out Kate’s Character a bit more this issue . Having her go out on her first date with Detective Sawyer , who is unaware that Kate and Batwoman are one and the same . The date goes well and it is nice to see Kate a bit playful when interacting on the date . She definitely isn’t shoe horned into some cliché lesbian stereotype at all in this book. It’ s nice to see a strong female lead character who isn’t just your typical run of the mill heroine. I think whats really interesting is that from my perspective Kate Kane and Bruce Wayne are a lot alike . Both heroes tend to be brooding and almost obsessed while wearing the cape and cowl , and self assure and flirtatious in their respective romantic lives.
While this issue is good there are a few things that detract from it being great. There are too many story threads that are left dangling . Towards the end they throw two other possible villains in an already crowded book . I’m worried that this will hurt the story down the line unless they find a way to pull a few of these characters together by next issue. Towards the end of the issue we see Detective Sawyer breaking down a crime scene involving two warring gangs with D.E.O Cameron Chase . One group has a storied past with Kate and the others loyalties remain to be seen. Later that night Batwoman breaks into Detective Sawyers file cabinet and learns the last known location of the weeping woman. She escapes out of a window and Detective Sawyer has no choice but to call D.E.O Chase to alert her that she knows exactly where Batwoman is headed. Kate arrives to the boat house and quickly investigates underneath the dock. The last page makes things look pretty bleak for Kate going into next issue .

I continue to be amazed month in and out by J.H Williams amazing art . He truly is in a league of his own when it comes to layouts , and being able to tell a clear story in new and inventive ways. However his writing alongside Blackman needs some work. They have established a strong set of characters in this book. Now they have to narrow their focus on telling a less cluttered story. This again is my only complaint with an otherwise strong effort from both creators.
Mike DeVivo
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