FEARLESS #3, out this Wednesday from Marvel Comics, brings together some of our favorite and most powerful female characters. This collection of short stories isn’t afraid to have fun or take risks with their heroines.

Fearless has been a massive undertaking – one that has consistently lived up to its name. The series brings together some of the best leading ladies in Marvel comics, and gives female creatives a chance to have fun and do something never done before.
Fearless #3 is just one part of a four-issue miniseries, and like the first three, it contains within it three separate plots. And of course, it’s full to the brim of our favorite Marvel heroines. So if you’ve ever wanted a see these ladies interact, now’s your chance.
The entire premise behind Fearless has been groundbreaking from the start. Never before has Marvel tried to do something of this scale, with this many female writers and artists before. It’s been refreshing and exhilarating at the same time. Having so many of our favorites together almost feels like icing on the cake.
The other element that makes the series work so well is the decision to split it into different short stories. Finally, we’re getting a chance to see so many overlooked sides of the world, from character interactions we’ve been dying for to characters that could use a little bit more screen (erm, page) time.

‘Campfire Song’ is the only short story that will carry through every issue in the series. It also combines the most characters into one plot, so there are no complaints here. It’s the anchor plot, but it also has some fun along the way.
Captain Marvel, Storm, Invisible Woman, and Ms. Marvel have all found themselves in the same place – a camp, believe it or not. The three elders are there to be motivational speakers to a bunch of teenage girls, Kamala included. And naturally, whenever so many heroes congregate, something is bound to go wrong.
Seanan McGuire has clearly been enjoying writing for so many heroes at once. It seems like everyone has gotten their moment (or two), especially in this issue. More importantly, even the little things were not overlooked in this plot. Small things, like the grunge way Carol dressed, or the determination behind every move Kamala makes. It all adds up and goes a long way in reminding us just how diverse these characters are.
The plot has also made a point of not overlooking the young girls at the same – several of which fall under the mutant or inhuman bracket. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll see these girls become heroes or geniuses in their own right.
Claire Roe and Rachelle Rosenberg were the artists for this issue. And they worked well as a team here – portraying our ladies perfectly, right down to the way they move and their preferred dressing styles. Their portrayal of everyone’s powers was charming and deserve some extra credit.

Next up in the lineup is a new short story to throw into the mix, ‘Copycat.’ This short plot brings several other favorites to the series – Hellcat, She-Hulk, and Jessica Jones. If that isn’t enough to sell you on it, perhaps the promise of Jessica Jones beating somebody up will help?
Zoe Quinn brings us a Hellcat who has more or less gotten her stuff together, after everything she’s been through. But she’s still got a lot on her plate – and having a fake Hellcat running around the world is certainly not helping things.
She-Hulk’s panic-texting is full-on amazing. It’s the sort of texting you’d expect to see from your bestie about to have a monumental breakdown, and we’re here for it. We could all use a friend like Jennifer.
Speaking of friends, Jessica Jones’ part in this plot is so satisfying; it’ll make you wish the Netflix series was still airing. There is something so satisfying about her beatdowns. Probably the sheer force put out, while she’s just all sorts of done with the fight.
The artwork for this mini-plot was brilliant – our three ladies kicking butt and taking names. And let’s not forget how amazing all of their hair looked. Marika Cresta and Irma Knivila were the artists for this short, and they went all out on the fight scenes and drama. The cute little creature was an adorable touch as well – precisely the sort of critter that Patsy would come across, no?

And finally, the last short in this issue is the shortest of them all – being only a couple pages long. It’s appropriately titled ‘Jubilation’ and features none other than Jubilee herself, and of course, Wolverine (he’s an honorary heroine, in this issue).
Jubilee’s thirst for life and general enjoyment of everything fun shines bright through in this miniaturized plot. And it’s balanced nicely with Wolverine’s gruffness and his need to lecture her about social media (who’s the rat that told him how Instagram works?).
Alyssa Wong wrote the script, which managed to fit in several funny moments despite its short run. And yet everything about it screamed ‘Jubilee’ as it was the perfect fit for a beloved character.
Meanwhile, Alti Firmansyah provided the artwork, giving an overall ‘80s look to the story. You’ll almost feel like you’re watching the classic cartoons all over again (the only exception being how Instagram is around, of course). And finally, Rachelle Rosenberg provided the vibrant colors that genuinely completed the look �� full of ‘80s color style and everything.

Fearless #3 may have been made up of three different short stories, but it had a cohesive feel to it. The primary focus on heroines helped, as did the sequential feeling to the artwork itself. Combined with a sense of liberation, this whole issue felt like a celebration of heroines. And there’s little doubt that this was the true intent.
Another element that tied the whole issue together was the lettering, which was all done by one artist, Cardinal Rae. This may seem like a small touch, but it had a significant payoff in the end. And it shows off smart thinking from the higher-ups.
The next issue should wrap up the only long-running short in the series, but it’ll also likely bring with it two more quirky shorts. And frankly, we already know that they’re going to be loads of fun.