On The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Monday night, Jessica Williams voiced her opinion on the Rachel Dolezal scandal.
“Iggy acts black to make money but Iggy’s not fooling anybody. Rachel Dolezal actually just single-white-femaled all black women. We don’t need oppression cosplay. We need allies, not replacements,” said Jessica Williams on The Daily Show.
"Iggy acts black to make money but Iggy's not fooling anybody. Rachel Dolezal actually just single-white-femaled all black women. We don't need oppression cosplay. We need allies, not replacements." — Jessica Williams ► Watch the episode: http://on.cc.com/1dHXCZx
Posted by The Daily Show on Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Rachel Dolezal Breaks Silence: ‘I Identify As Black’
Rachel Dolezal, fomer NAACP chapter president, sits down with TODAY’s Matt Lauer for an exclusive live interview.