One Limb Left: The Nintendo Labo Is Not Just Cardboard For Kids

When we become humans that have reached a certain age, there are two paths we can take.  One path allows us to see and understand entertainment not just for what it is, but who it’s for.  The other is an attitude and viewpoint that is the exact opposite.  Causing us to bear an unnecessary virtual cross of nostalgia.

In movies, it’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi.  A sequel where I myself liked it because unlike its predecessor The Force Awakens, it took risks and wasn’t just a coat of new paint on a movie from the original trilogy.  Whereas many others disliked it because to them they felt like the movie abandoned their own perceptions about the franchise and the memories its earlier films gave them.



Causing them to feel left out and angrily tweet and post about it.  Something some Nintendo fans have felt and done since last week’s announcement of the Nintendo Labo.  For those who don’t know, the Nintendo Labo is a new series of cardboard kits designed for the Nintendo Switch.  These two kits (A $70 variety kit, and an $80 robot kit) allow its users to create devices like a piano, fishing rod, among other things to add a new level of playability to their console.

Causing some Nintendo fans to view it as more of a peripheral for kids than adults.  But in my opinion, this isn’t just expensive cardboard for kids.  This is something people of all ages can enjoy.  Think about it.


If you are someone who can afford a Switch but not a piano, why not build your own?  If you have a kid who wants to build their own computer, why not spend $70 and start them out with this?  This is not just a peripheral, this is something that like all comics, video games, etc builds imagination and craftsmanship.  With every passing year, a new generation grows closer and closer to becoming the key demographic.

This is something all of us gamers must not only realize but be ok with.  We do not outright own the content we pay to play, we are not entitled to everything we want within our culture.  Bottom line the gaming world keeps revolving whether we are a part of it or not.  So why not be happy the next generation has a new reason to fall deeper in love with gaming?

Parents who grew up with the NES and other consoles now have a new way to bond with their kids.  Not to mention introduce them to gaming.  The Nintendo Labo has opened the door to innovation.  It’s what motion controls should be, it’s what being a gamer is all about which is creating and playing something that provides an escape and builds imagination.

Is the price range a bit high?  Yeah, I think $30 to $50 would be better but do I feel left out?  Not at all.  I wish I was a dad so I could enjoy this with my kids.


This is also something that could be great for couples.  Anything that helps build the imagination of others and myself, I am all for.  So when the Nintendo Labo is released on April 20th of this year, don’t feel left out.  Feel happy knowing someone in the gaming industry is creating a new way for people of all ages and generations to game and enjoy the medium.

To my generation and the one that preceded it, I say this.  We have experienced first-hand the evolution of graphics from 8-bit to realistic.  We have experienced life before and after memory cards, Power Gloves, Virtual Boy, and Gameboy Color.  Isn’t it time we give the next generation a chance to pick up the controller and play along?

Nick Battaglia
Nick Battaglia
Nick is a staff writer who enjoys all types of video games and reminiscing about past pinball experiences. As a gamer who has one arm, he also aspires to one day be cast in a live-action adaptation of Mega Man.