Netflix Announces Master of None Premiere Date

Your eyes do not deceive you! Master of None will be returning on Friday, May 12, 2017, more than two years after the first season dropped on Netflix. The teaser announcing this, which appears to feature Dev (Aziz Ansari) and Arnold (Eric Wareheim) riding Vespas in the Italian countryside, dropped abruptly this afternoon. Describing the new season, Netflix has said, “After traveling abroad, Dev returns to New York to take on challenges in his personal and family life, a new career opportunity, and a complex, developing relationship with someone very meaningful to him.”

Ansari had addressed the 2016 hiatus in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, explaining that the personal nature of the show and the stories it told required a longer period of “turnaround” than other shows. He claimed that the writers needed to live their lives in order to produce a second season of equal quality to the first. In order to write about life, in other words, they needed to live first.


Master of None was easily among the best of 2015’s crop of new shows, and considering the critical response and awards it collected, it’s surprising Netflix didn’t try to rush it out sooner. That they’re allowing Ansari to take his time with each season speaks to their dedication to quality, even if that might be painful for fans.

What do you guys think? Did you love the show but hate the ending?  Were you as big a fan of Noël Wells as I was?  Let me know in the comments.

Joseph Rejent
Joseph Rejent
Joe is secretly a space lizard who's been controlling your minds with fluoride for like, decades. Just don't ask if you should call him "Joe, Joseph, or Joey" because he'll probably say something awkward like, "uhh... both?" And then everyone will be uncomfortable.