
MULTIPLE MAN #1 – A Dead Man’s Party

Marvel’s hotshot writer Matthew Rosenberg continues his recent hot streak with Multiple Man #1, bringing back our favorite multiplying mutant, Jamie Madrox! The former X-Factor leader is resurrected and re-purposed in spectacular fashion.

Multiple Man 1 cvr




Madrox has been dead since the Terrigen mist nonsense that plagued mutants during Inhumans Vs X-Men. One of his prime-dupes is found by the New Mutants team barely clinging to life. He’s brought to the X-Mansion to be studied and saved by Beast, marvelous mutant madness ensues.

Matt Rosenberg injects a ton of life, in more ways than one, into our lovable Madrox. Jamie has always had a snarky edge and smirk to his characterization, but here it reaches new levels. The entire issue oozes charisma and infectious sarcasm that translates into an undeniable charm.

The story is fast paced and unforgiving, there’s no catering to those who can’t keep up with mutants at their most mutant-y. Jamie takes us all over the mansion, giving us a parade of short and sweet X-Men interactions. As the plot starts to unfold, and chaos starts peaking it’s head out, Multiple Man #1 really starts to get fun.

Artist Andy MacDonald thickens the layers of charm and light-hearted comic book fun. This is a beautiful looking book, filled with stupendous cartooning. Each character has a distinct set of recognizable characteristics that shine in these quick moments with Jamie. Colorist Tamra Bonvillain makes each dose of yellow throughout the issue pop and helps keep reader’s eyes focused on Jamie at all times with his signature deep green shirt.

The comedy beats of this issue really come through in the art, the sequencing and timing does wonders. All of Jamie’s future-hero-mash-up-dupes are well-crafted and designed to please. There’s a ton of impressive facial expression work. For an issue that doesn’t really take us many places, you barely notice.

Multiple Man #1 hits the ground running, another hit for Rosenberg. The tone and shift for a booking starring Jamie Madrox pays off big-time. This is a welcome breath of life into a fan-favorite character.

Also, big props for the Oingo Boingo – Dead Man’s Party reference.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iypUpv9xelg[/embedyt]


Brandon J. Griffin
Brandon J. Griffinhttps://twitter.com/griffunk
New Jersey scum who worships comic books like religious literature. Yell at me on Twitter @griffunk
Marvel's hotshot writer Matthew Rosenberg continues his recent hot streak with Multiple Man #1, bringing back our favorite multiplying mutant, Jamie Madrox! The former X-Factor leader is resurrected and re-purposed in spectacular fashion. ***SPOILERS LIE AHEAD***   Madrox has been dead since the Terrigen mist nonsense that plagued...MULTIPLE MAN #1 - A Dead Man's Party