AVENGERS #26 is coming to your local comic book store May 28th, but thanks to Marvel Comics, Monkeys Fighting Robots has the exclusive first look at the issue!
The issue is a tie-in for ONE WORLD UNDER DOOM, a “status quo shift” that began this week, the likes of which Marvel says hasn’t been seen since 2008’s Dark Reign.
About the issue:
The Impossible City, current home base of the Avengers, has been commandeered by the MASTERS OF EVIL! Who is left to defend the world while DOOM is in power? And how are the Avengers able to fight a war on multiple sides?
The issue is by writer Jed MacKay and artist Andrea Broccardo. The main cover is by Valerio Schiti.
Get your first look at Schiti’s cover for AVENGERS #26 here:
Are you hyped for ONE WORLD UNDER DOOM? Sound off in the comments!