Latest on The Future of ‘Stranger Things’: Multiple Seasons, New Characters

If you haven’t watched at least part of Netflix’s Stranger Things, why do you hate fun? The original series, set in 1983, is like an 80s movie encyclopedia fell all over the floor and was put back together in different order, with different characters. References to E.T., Close Encounters, Poltergeist, The Gate, Firestarter, and all manner of Steven Spieberg/Stephne King classics color each and every scene of The Duffer Brothers’ brilliant nostalgic thriller done right.

It also seems like a self-contained season, like it could end with these 8 episodes and everything would be fine. According to executive producer Shawn Levy, that isn’t the plan, and not only will be blessed with season 2, we could get “multiple seasons” and new characters along the way.

Levy spoke to slashfilm about the future of the show:

“We definitely are hopeful to go several more seasons. And the plan is to continue with this set of characters while introducing a few critical key new ones next season. So I’ll just say that a lot of the big mysteries get answered at the end of Season 1, but we are very much kind of unearthing new problems and questions that merit future stories and future investigation in the most enjoyable way. So we are in love with our cast and our characters.”

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There are a few directions season 2 could head, and a few theories out there, but for now, let’s just enjoy the fact that Stranger Things will return.

Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry is the managing editor for Monkeys Fighting Robots. The Dalai Lama once told him when he dies he will receive total consciousness. So he's got that going for him... Which is nice.