Kevin Smith Is Developing a “Buckaroo Banzai” Television Series

Kevin Smith has stated he is in the works to develop a television series based on the 1984 cult classicThe Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension. Now some of you are no doubt think, “What is Buckaroo Banzai?” Fair question.

Buckaroo Banzai follows the adventures of this intrepid scientist, rock star, samurai, and general badass, played by Frank Weller in the film. His entourage of wildcards include Jeff Goldblum (pre-alien invasions and dinosuars), Clancy Brown (pre-Mr. Krabs), and Ellen Barkin. John Lithgow plays one of antagonists plaguing Banzai throughout the film after Banzai discovers an alternate dimension. This unwillingly invites aliens to invade his own world. And given his ability to see through the creature’s human disguise, he and his cohorts fight against the invasion in a pure 80’s fashion.

Buckaroo Banzai
Credit: MGM Studios

I’ve seen the film and I am stoked to see it coming to the small screen. It’s a pure adventure romp that doesn’t take itself too seriously. Something a lot of series and movies either shy away from, or botch terrifically. But seeing Smith’s name on the project does assuage many concerns when such news comes down the pipeline.


Especially since there is a strong possibility of the sequel, Buckaroo Banzai Against the World Crime League,  actually coming to fruition. Though that also implies the show makes it past the first season, which is becoming a miracle in and of itself given recent years.

Buckaroo Banzai
Credit: MGM Studios

Smith, himself a fan of the original film, is eager to get the ball rolling on putting the series on the air. Smith has even noted his desire to bringing in cast of the original film to help convey the original spark that’s made it last over the decades. He has also wanted to contact the screenwriter, Earl Mac Rauch, to ensure the film’s spirit is translated properly during the adaptation process.

Seth Frederiksen
Seth Frederiksen
A post-grad history buff who is addicted to comics and books, and lover of anything with the words "ice" and "cream" in it. I've been a huge Batman fan since I can remember, and have come to appreciate sequential art as literature and entertainment. Also I have a soft spot for dogs. Just saying.