5 Things Every Superman Fan Wants To See In ‘Justice League’

In the latest trailer for Justice League, we got our very first look at Henry Cavill’s Superman. Of course, the character is “technically” still dead, but Justice League wouldn’t be Justice League without the Man of Steel. We just don’t understand exactly how, when, and why Kal will be resurrected.

More – Alternate ‘Justice League’ Trailer Reveals New Footage

With the release date just over a month away, anticipation for Justice League and Superman’s return is growing, which is why I’ve compiled a list of the five things I most want to see from the Man of Steel in Zack Snyder’s team-up movie.


Black Suit Superman

Justice League
Image via Warner Bros.

Since his death in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, fans have wondered if Superman will return in the black costume. The black and silver suit is an iconic look for Superman in the comics, and it would make a lot of sense for Zack Snyder and DC Films to implement that design into Justice League.

While I doubt Superman will wear the black costume for an extended period, I think there’s an excellent chance that Kal will appear in various scenes wearing the darker suit. Having Superman in the black costume would also be a fantastic call back to the dream sequence in Snyder’s Man of Steel.

Heroic Superman

Justice League
Image via Warner Bros.

Superman is arguably the most heroic comic-book superhero, but on the cinematic side of the DC Universe, we’ve not seen the character be overly heroic (other than the time he sacrificed himself). Hopefully, Justice League will bring Superman back in a way that allows the character to be more of a traditional hero. A more heroic Superman doesn’t mean that the film needs to take Kal back to the good old cheesy days, but it wouldn’t hurt for Justice League to show Superman protect people and save the day for once.

Inspirational Superman

Justice League
Image via Warner Bros.

Superman has always been my favourite comic-book character because of the inspiration that he delivers to the world. We’re already seeing in the trailers that Superman has inspired Batman to unite the League, but it would be even more awesome if we get to see how Superman inspires and influences the world when he returns.

For many of the Justice League characters, Superman has inspired them to become heroes, so it’s important for Justice League to display how the character inspires not only the people he saves but the other heroes that he fights beside.

Badass Superman

Justice League
Image via Warner Bros.

While many people criticise Zack Snyder’s version of Superman, it’s hard to deny that this is the most badass interpretation of the character we’ve seen in cinema. Yes, Superman is the big blue boy scout, but he’s also an incredibly badass character.

It’s not hard to make a guy that flies and shoots lasers from his eyes a badass. We’ve seen it in the past, and hopefully, Zack Snyder has delivered some phenomenal action sequences for the character in Justice League.

Fun Superman

Justice League
Image via Warner Bros.

More than anything else, Superman has always been a fun character to read, watch, and enjoy. Man of Steel had moments of fun and levity, but the DC Extended Universe hasn’t given us an abundance of “fun” scenes for Superman.

The word is that Justice League will be a more light-hearted movie, so I wouldn’t be surprised if we see Superman have some fun with the rest of the League. I mean, what’s not fun about being resurrected in the middle of a major conflict?

What do you want to see from Superman in Justice League? Let us know in the comments section below!


Kieran McLean
Kieran McLean
I’m obsessed with all areas of film and pop-culture, whether that’s a hidden world of witches and wizards, a universe filled with superheroes or a galaxy far, far away.