Jessica Jones Episode Title Leaks

Today, one dedicated fan discovered the Jessica Jones episode titles through the Netflix website.  By simply increasing the URL of the show by one digit, an episode title would appear. At least I think that’s how it worked… My tech knowledge is not that great.

The Internet

Anyway it doesn’t really matter, the titles are out now! And that means the show must be just around the corner. Below are the titles for each episode. There could be potential spoilers, but I wouldn’t worry too much, as they all seem pretty vague.

1×01 – AKA Ladies Night (52m)

1×02 – AKA Crush Syndrome (52m)

1×03 – AKA It’s Called Whiskey (54m)

1×04 – AKA 99 Friends

1×05 – AKA The Sandwich Saved Me (50m)

1×06 – AKA You’re a Winner (54m)

1×07 – AKA Top Shelf Perverts

1×08 – AKA WWJD?

1×09 – AKA Sin Bin

1×10 – AKA The Kumbaya Circle Jerk

1×11 – AKA I’ve Got the Blues

1×12 – AKA Jewel and the Power Man

1×13 – AKA Smile


Five of the episodes have a run time, which implies that those episodes are done, and just waiting for release. Much like Jessica Jones the character, the show titles emulate a sense of sardonic cynicism. (I gotta know what the “Kumbaya Circle Jerk” is.) And one of the titles sounds like a team up between Jessica Jones and a certain street hero who’s getting his own show very soon.


My only real complaint is that each title has “AKA” before it. There’s nothing really wrong with it; it just looks weird. That could just be an error, as I’m sure the titles weren’t meant to be released yet. But really it’s not important.

What is important is that Jessica Jones will be the first Marvel Cinematic Universe property to focus on a female superhero. (Elektra doesn’t count!) People may be clamoring for a Black Widow movie, but I’m personally more excited for thirteen hours with a new female superhero who deals with street crime.

Eat your heart out Scar Jo

Netflix’s website says that the show is coming out in 2015, and there have been reports confirming that. However, we haven’t really seen much advertising for outside of a few production images. So seeing these episode titles is really awesome, because Jessica Jones is a character that deserves a live action adaptation.

So what do you guys think? When do you think the show will be coming out? Are you excited for Jessica Jones? Are there any titles that peak your interest?

Leave a comment below to let us know.

Nick Enquist
Nick Enquist
Nick Enquist writes opinion pieces and reviews of comic books, movies, and TV shows for Monkeys Fighting Robots.