IRONHEART #11, out this Wednesday from Marvel Comics, is an emotional and dramatic issue. Riri Williams has been through a lot in her short life, and it’s becoming clear that her journey has only just begun.

Ironheart #11 is a dramatic and thrilling issue. The teacup continues, bringing Ironheart, Shuri, Okoye, and Silhouette, making a powerful and dynamic force to be reckoned with. But all the girl power in the world isn’t enough to prevent an emotional blow from landing on Ironheart.
Fans of Ironheart, aka Riri Williams, are already well aware of everything Riri has gone through in her short time on this earth. It has understandably left her with some long-term issues that she has to work out. And it looks like this issue went a long way in adding something else to her list of things to deal with.

The last issue of Ironheart ended on a bit of a cliffhanger. And while this issue started off with a slight detour through the past, it otherwise jumped right to answering all of our questions and concerns. So at least Eve L. Ewing didn’t leave us hanging.
Even though she certainly didn’t hesitate about throwing a gut punch in our (well, Riri’s) direction. To be fair, this is something that comic books have specialized in doing for years. So it was only a matter of time before Riri had a dramatic reveal of her own. But that’s not going to alter the amount of sympathy we’re feeling for her right now.
One of the best things about Riri Williams is how human she is. And that means she doesn’t hide her emotions. What she feels is shown on the surface. And that means when she has an emotional breakdown, you know it. Something is harrowing about seeing a character like Riri go through something such as this perhaps because it hits home just a little bit harder than normal.
Whatever the case, Ironheart #11 pulled off the gauntlet and issued a challenge. And now fans are left wondering how it’s all going to play out. Is this a fakeout? Or is it all disturbingly true? Either way, how is it going to affect Ironheart in the long run?
One thing we do know; they only have one issue to wrap this plot up. At least, if the ‘to be concluded’ at the end of this issue is anything to go by. Wrapping up this bundle of complexity in one issue is going to take some serious talent.

Ironheart #11 featured some truly outstanding artwork. The fights, in particular, were memorable. As was the technology, but that’s basically a given with Ironheart’s series at this point. Our badass team of ladies look exactly that – badass and powerful even when Riri is having a moment.
Oddly enough, the weirdest part about this issue is surrounding the newly introduced antagonist. If he is who we’re being led to believe, the man hasn’t aged a day in what, fifteen years? That’s impressive. Or alarming. It could be that they’re intentionally hinting at something here. Or it could be something as simple as wanting to make the comparison an obvious one. Only time will tell.
Another iconic feature of this issue is the layout. There are dramatic cuts and angles all over, enhancing the tale even further. The credit for the layout goes to Geoffo. Meanwhile, Luciano Vecchio (pencils and inks), Matt Milla (colors), and VC’s Clayton Cowles (lettering) completed the overall look of this issue.

Ironheart #11 was an emotionally intense issue for Riri. And we can only imagine that it’s going to leave yet another scar on this young woman’s soul. But she’s strong, and thus we know she’ll get through it. In the meantime, we’re going to sit back and look forward to seeing how she gets herself (and her newly found friends) out of this situation.