Here’s a Creepy Sneak Peek at ‘The Exorcist’ TV Series

The Exorcist, like many film properties these days, is getting the Tv treatment. And now, we have a first glimpse/promo sneak peek thing to take a look at. The cast looks interesting, namely Geena Davis taking over in the Ellen Burstyn role, and the action moves from D.C. to Chicago.

We also get executive producer Jeremy Slater talking about the project, and the impact of the William Friedkin movie. Take a look:


The Exorcist will hit FOX this fall, around the same time their abhorrent-looking Lethal Weapon adaptation should vomit all over America. This, in comparison, looks miles better than that awful abomination.

I appreciate Slater talking up the film, and the motivations, and the desire to generate scares. And it could be possible on FOX, but the fact t’s on the Network is going to make things difficult. I just can’t imagine we get a crucifix masturbation scene anywhere in there. Also, was that Alan Ruck I saw?

The Exorcist pilot will debut September 23.

Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry is the managing editor for Monkeys Fighting Robots. The Dalai Lama once told him when he dies he will receive total consciousness. So he's got that going for him... Which is nice.