
HEIST #1 is an introduction issue done right, as it brings its world to life, while bringing a lot to the table.

HEIST #1 – Crazy Story, Crazy Art, This Just Might Work

Vault Comics has been consistently amazing with its debut issues; this streak continues in the fast-paced, plot-heavy HEIST #1.

The Crew For The Job

Every heist needs a crew, Vault Comics’ newest series is no different, featuring Writer Paul Tobin as the plan man, with a detailed outline (artist) by Arjuna Susini, Vitrio Astoneto on blueprint duty (colors), and Saida Temofonte writing it all down (letters).


Plot, or How To Plan To Steal a Planet

The story in Heist #1 moves quickly; in each moment Tobin adds subtle world building, and varying amounts of character development. Tobin reveals Glane’s character and world in four quick panels.

The following pages, Tobin explains Glane’s recruitment plans. Each new development feels fast and lengthy enough to keep the ball rolling while mysteries evolve. These moments show how deep Tobin built the universe.

But, as fun as Glane is, he feels akin to other con-men tropes, with witty banter, oozing charm, all while being a lovable rogue. These aren’t bad per se; there’s a reason it’s such a long-running trope. But if you placed any other famous con-man character here, the story would feel the same.

The Art of a Heist

Heist (the planet) is as slimy and grimy as you’d expect a planet full of thieves (and worse) to be. This sense of uncleanliness is courtesy Susini’s claustrophobic art. The crowds seen will have you constantly checking pockets for content. Or, even your back for knives, due to the multitude of assassins.

The cluttered vibe Susini’s art emits matches perfectly with the story Tobin tells. But in some moments, the busy panels become a tad much, obscuring things that transpire. But these aren’t common unless multiple things are happening.

The few segments of high octane violence keep the pace the story strives for, as these moments are fun while making you crave more. Helping the busy panels stand out are the contracting colors by Vittorio Astone.

Usually, planets consisting of thieves have landscapes that are presented as grayish and dull. Heist’s planet exudes these grimy colors while adding in a brighter palette to help it seem lively, and futuristic.

As thriving as the crowds are, the world and people never make noise. While reading Heist #1, it seems off, as some added background noises would’ve given Heist an even livelier feeling. Besides that, Temofonte has a lot of words to work with, while trying to find the perfect spot to put boxes/bubbles not to hamper the art.

The Heist of a Lifetime (Conclusion)

Although it does feel clustered at some parts, Heist #1 is a great first issue. Proving that Vault Comics is one of the top publishers at the moment.

Memorable Quote: “You’re the one who farted in the wrong direction, and she got the stink.” – Hardy (Bartender)

Hardy has a unique way with words. I wish he were my Bartender.

Readers of Earth

If this piques your interest, check out, Heist #1 when it releases November 6. When you do, let us know what you think down below. While you’re at it, check out our other Vault Comics reviews!

Jason Jeffords Jr
Jason Jeffords Jr
Jason resides in the cold crime-ridden town of Anchorage, Alaska. When he isn't running away from murderers, he "chills" at home reading comics/books, watching films/TV, and playing video games with his three-legged cat Lucky. Oh he also sometimes writes for websites such as Monkeys Fighting Robots, Comics Bulletin, ComicBookYeti, Multiversity Comics, and others.
HEIST #1 is an introduction issue done right, as it brings its world to life, while bringing a lot to the table.HEIST #1 - Crazy Story, Crazy Art, This Just Might Work