Gwenpool is still trying to keep herself relevant in GWENPOOL STRIKES BACK #2, out this Wednesday from Marvel Comics. So fans of the spunky blond should make a point of picking up her latest issue.

Gwenpool’s fourth-wall-breaking allows for a unique series, in that she’s completely aware of her fate should her series continue their run of getting canceled. That is why she is literally fighting to keep her series alive in Gwenpool Strikes Back #2.
In the last issue, we saw Gwen take on Spider-Man – though her intent had been to get bitten. Naturally, her plan got a little messed up along the way. This issue brings us another crazy plan from the girl in pink, and it’s…different.
There are several cameos to be found in this issue, from the promised Fantastic Four to Deadpool himself. After all, he’s the only one who might actually understand what she’s talking about here. Maybe.

Leah Williams is still writing for this miniseries, and thank goodness for that. You can tell that she’s having a lot of fun writing for this chaotic character and with good reason. She’s given Gwen back all of her unique powers, and then let her off the leash.
This miniseries may be Gwenpool’s last chance to maintain a solo series, and it’s a fact that comes up on more than one occasion. The transparency of the situation is actually quite refreshing. And of course, it’s humorous as well.
There are several truly laugh out loud moments to be found in Gwenpool Strikes Back #2, starting right away on the first panel, and carrying through to the end. The conclusion did a brilliant job of leaving just enough of a cliffhanger to make readers want to come back for more.

Along with Williams, the rest of the creative team clearly enjoyed working on this issue. David Baldeon (artist), Jesus Aburtov (colorist) had their work cut out for them in this issue. Not only did they have to portray all of Gwen’s antics, but they also had to deal with Deadpool’s insanity as well. Not to mention the other cameos.
VC’s Joe Caramagna, the letterer for this issue, must have had a field day. Here are two characters that always get altered speak and thought bubbles, and they’re both appearing in the same issue. It certainly made for a vibrant issue.

Gwenpool Strikes Back #2 is another fun read for fans of Gwen and all of her antics. If you’re looking for a good laugh, odds are that you’ll find it within these pages. And if not, Gwen (or Deadpool) has some words for you.