Before The ‘Injustice 2’ Release, Here Is Everything About DC’s Fighting Game


Get An In-Depth Look At ‘Injustice 2’

May 16th can not come soon enough for DC fans. The release of ‘Injustice 2‘ is getting impressive amounts of hype, partially due to an impressive marketing campaign from Netherrealm Studios. This hype also comes from the impressive resume of games based on DC Comics including the Arkham series and the first Injustice game.

With the latest trailer for ‘Injustice 2‘ dropping, it seems like the marketing campaign wants to capitalize on that gaming hype. The video below dives in an extensive amount of information about the stories, characters, and gameplay features.

“Every Battle Defines You”

All of the characters featured in ‘Injustice 2‘ is a great fan service and adds a lot to the fighting game genre. There’s so much the game creators can do based on the DC multiverse. Seeing Swamp Thing and Poison Ivy use plants to battle it out sounds like an amazing prospect. Netherrealm Studios took what they perfected in ‘Mortal Kombat X‘ and applied it to this. The Multiverse concept is similar to Faction Wars but it allows for all the DC fans to connect in a fun battle.

Monkeys Fighting Robots Youtube

Other than great gameplay, the story for the games is striking. The first game ‘Injustice: Gods Among Men‘ had such a powerful story that it seemingly inspired aspects of ‘Batman v Superman‘ and the DC Extended Universe. Playing on the Batmans vs Superman concept is used again in this game but the battles are getting bigger. More characters are joining the fight than ever before and everyone plays an important role.

New additions to the game include Swamp Thing, Captian Cold, Robin, and much more.

Injustice 2‘ releases on May 16 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, iOS, and Android. Ultimate Edition comes with the first bundle of DLC characters in the package, which includes Red Hood, Starfire, and Sub-Zero. Pre-orders include the playable character Darkseid.