DC on CW Weekly Review: ‘SUPERGIRL’ Returns with an Oscar Nominee

This series will be a brief, semi-comedic review of the CW superhero shows. You can check out last week’s review post here. The only shows discussed will be ‘Arrow’, ‘Flash’, and ‘Supergirl’. There WILL be some spoilers discussed, so only look at the reviews you’re up to date on!

Supergirl, “Schott Through the Heart” (April 16th)

Supergirl CW
Robot Monkey Birds are no match for Momma Lady Bird (copyright CW)

Supergirl has come back after a long hiatus. Not only has the show returned, but it brought along Oscar nominee Laurie Metcalf (LADY BIRD). Winn’s mother isn’t the strongest character, nor is the absentee mother an inventive story. However, there is some solid emotional storytelling with J’onn and his father. Exploring both Alzheimer’s and living as black men worked well for the intimate dinner party. The toy-intern villain wasn’t super scary, but the robot toys were fun to watch. This isn’t the best Supergirl episode, but the episode marks a strong return for the CW series.

SCORE: 7/10 Robot Monkeys (hey, just like us!)


The Flash, “Lose Yourself” (April 17th)

Flash CW
Ralph, we hardly got a consistent version of ye (copyright CW)

This week’s The Flash balances a lot of storylines with relative ease. Ralph getting absorbed by The Thinker is a legitimate surprise. Thank the Speed Force Gods that the original Thinker actor is back in the chair. Taking away both Elongated Man and Killer Frost helps the show feel less saturated with metas. Harrison Well’s addiction to the Thinking Cap is a little predictable, and the Big Lebowski Teleporting Meta isn’t all that fun. However, the main plot of ‘Lose Yourself’ is a strong entry in this season.

SCORE: 7.5/10 Big Britches

Arrow, “The Dragon” (April 19th)

Arrow CW
Ricardo has mastered the mumble-dialogue that Adrian did last season (copyright CW)

The latest episode of ARROW has… next to no Arrow in it. Instead, the episode focuses on Ricardo Diaz, the post-Cayden James big bad. Diaz has yet to hit the fearsome highs that James hit in his short reign. It is interesting to get a deeper look into the character, as he builds his crime empire. Diaz tackling a childhood bully isn’t interesting, but taking down a pastel-wearing crime son is a solid plot. The weakest part of this episode is Black Siren feeling uncomfortable with Diaz’s methods. It seems ARROW is turning her into a hero once again, but her character isn’t even consistent in this episode. Hopefully these villains will get better in later episodes.

SCORE: 6.5/10 Seats


The Flash: 8 Weeks

Arrow: 5 Weeks

Supergirl: 4.5 Weeks

What show did you think won the week? Does Legends of Tomorrow or Black Lightning take your vote? Let us know in the comments below!

Jon Barr - TV Editor
Jon Barr - TV Editor
Jon Barr is a comedian and TV Phanatic. Yeah, he meant to spell it that way. It's like the Philly Phanatic, like from Philadelphia, because he's from - you get it. He loves good TV & mocking bad TV. You can find him all over the web.