Days 3 and 4 of NerdHQ “Conversations for a Cause” recap

The third day of “Conversations for a Cause” at NerdHQ started with a panel about Doctor Who, where fans were able to ask questions at actors Jenna Coleman and Michelle Gomez, along with writer Steven Moffat.

Following that fun time, Nathan Fillion was hilariously introduced by his dear friend Alan Tudyk for a “Conversation” were they talked about Con Man, Firefly, Castle… the usual, and they also auctioned personal goodies for thousands of dollars in total.


Around 6pm Zachary Levi presented the guests he got together for the great Mystery Panel: Retta (Parks and Recreation), Yvette Nicole Brown (Community), Scott Porter (Friday Night Lights, Speed Racer), Colin O’Donoghue (The Rite, Once Upon a Time), Jennifer Morrison (House M.D., Once Upon a Time), Josh Dallas (Thor, Once Upon a Time). The beauty of this Q&A was the range of topics that came up, from Scott Porter’s beatboxing days, Retta’s and Yvette’s “Treat Yourself Day” activities during Comic-Con, and Jennifer Morrison’s directorial debut with the short film Warning Labels.

Marvel PanelOn Sunday, the last day of “Conversations for a Cause”, Chloe Bennet and Clark Gregg from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. joined Hayley Atwell and James Darcy from Agent Carter at the “Marvel: Partners in Prime Time” panel. Some of the highlights included the news that the Dubsmash battle Clark and Hayley started during the weekend won’t be exclusive to Comic-Con. One fan asked them to do a “Bad Blood” by Taylor Swift version and they later delivered. James Darcy also revealed the t-shirt he was wearing under his shirt, that read “Keep Calm and ask Mr. Jarvis”, and Clark Gregg talked about knowing anything that was going to happen, either in the movies or the show: “This is a good place to announce that Marvel doesn’t tell me shit.” Got it.

After them it was turn for Joss Whedon to take the stage and, like always, he wasn’t shy about speaking his mind truthfully. When asked whether there will be a director’s cut of Avengers: Age of Ultron, he responded: “My instinct is “No” […] I don’t think there’s interest in it right now. […] I don’t think it needs me to twick it.” And when talking about the movie itself and bringing Ultron to life: “The thing I’m maybe most proud of was the conversation with Vision at the end.”

He also said he expected an impact from Buffy, Angel, Firefly, but the communities that were created and the people that has brought together is a surprise.

On the topic of being one of the greatest feminist writers he stated: “I was lucky to have an impact when it was needed […] These are just the stories I care about.”

Joss Whedon

Finally, on bringing back Firefly, his point of view was that over any other project, he would love to bring Firefly the most, but he’s terrified of it not being as good, or actually being just as good, but repetitive. He’d like to do it to make it better, but not as an excuse to see his old friends. I think that’s fair.

In other news related to Joss Whedon, he announced at Comic-Con a new comic series that will be published by Dark Horse Comics next year and which protagonist he described as a “Female Victorian Batman”.


After that, Nathan Fillion made his last appearance to answer a few more questions, but mainly to continue showing off his fantastic auctioning habilities. He wished for an Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Castle crossover and when given the option between doing a Green Lantern movie for DC or work for Joss Whedon and Marvel: “I’d do Joss in a heartbeat.” Ahem.

Heroes RebornThe last panel of NerdHQ 2015 was a crowded one, with guests Jack Coleman, Gatlin Green, Robbie Kay, Ryan Guzman, Danika Yarosh, Henry Zabrowski, Rya Kihlstedt, Judith Shekoni, Greg Grunberg, Tim Kring and hosted by Zachary Levi. All of them are part of the cast (except Kring is the creator) of the upcoming Heroes Reborn, the continuation of the original Heroes tv show (2006-2010). They talked about expectations for the new show, how it came about, how was it for those actors returning, and a lot more.

I’m personally very happy that it’s coming back with such a great cast, and even more so after seeing the extended official trailer that debuted at Comic-Con.

All individual panels at NerdHQ this past week were uploaded to The Nerd Machine Youtube channel, including talks about Mr. Robot, “Men of Orphan Black“, Supernatural and more. Check them out!

Elisabeth S. Contreras
Elisabeth S. Contreras
Film enthusiast and sharer of words. Don't underestimate a woman with an opinion.