
Black Science is one of the greatest sci-fi comic books of all-time. Remender's pulsating scripts and Scalera's intricate chaos make this a title you'll never forget. Issue #31 is a masterpiece, a beautiful culmination of every disaster the dimensionauts left behind.

‘Black Science’ Kicks Off Its Final Chapter In Spectacular Fashion

The whole Black Science gang is back together! Grant McKay and his Dimensionauts are finally reunited. The timing could not be any better as every single shit storm they were responsible for in the onion has come back to bite them on the ass all at once.

Black Science 31 cvr



You know that rush of aggressive excitement you get during the purge scene during Cabin In The Woods? This entire issue is that rush with doses of heart oozing out.

After a brief soft opening, Black Science #31 is a non-stop thrill ride, exploding with art to get lost in for days. Readers barely get a second to soak in the emotion of getting this core cast back in the same panel before being launched into another insane masterpiece of chaos.

Black Science 31 McKay boys

Every world left in ruins, everybody abandoned ally, every monumental accident that McKay and company left in their wake has found them. Grant has chance to live up to his initial mission statement and leave a world better than they found it.

This issue is the culmination of everything that has happened in the previous thirty issues. It has the pace and scale of a finale, but it’s the beginning of the final arc to the series. They weren’t kidding when they said they were cranking it up for the final lap.

Pia ship

The McKay family has been through so much to get back to each other. There’s an overwhelming sense of joy to see a broken father get his two children back after seeing the obstacles they overcome to reach this point. This is Grant’s one chance to make it right and face all of his abandoned disasters at once in order to protect those he thought he lost forever.

Nobody in comic books is on the same level of this creative team. Rick Remender’s scripts and dialogue for Black Science are the best there is. Matteo Scalera and Moreno Dinisio’s detailed sci-fi anarchy are unrivaled.

The visual layouts and designs in Black Science are unlike anything else in the medium. The detail that clearly gets poured into the craft of these artists pays off every single time. There’s an intricate web of chaos that shocks and awes at every turn.

black science 31 vills

Like most issues in the series, #31 immediately warrants a second read. Similar to a beautifully layered piece of music, there will be some new nugget of brilliance you missed the first time.

This has become and will continue to be a book I reread every year. It will be a sad day for comic books when this title ends.

Brandon J. Griffin
Brandon J. Griffin
New Jersey scum who worships comic books like religious literature. Yell at me on Twitter @griffunk
Black Science is one of the greatest sci-fi comic books of all-time. Remender's pulsating scripts and Scalera's intricate chaos make this a title you'll never forget. Issue #31 is a masterpiece, a beautiful culmination of every disaster the dimensionauts left behind.'Black Science' Kicks Off Its Final Chapter In Spectacular Fashion