Anime Review: Death Parade

We all wonder what is after death, that is the reason why that many try to live their life to the fullest. Yet many of us face regret, but being able to face the missteps would mean more than the world. Death Parade, acts as a so-called god, determining whether or not the recently deceased get a second chance at life or heading towards hell.

Take Part in the Death Parade

After death, humans are sentenced
to a fate of reincarnation or the void. This is all dependent on an arbiter by the name of Decim. As the deceased make their way to the arbiter they enter the bar Quindecim, where Decim is in charge. A game is to be played in order for Decim to make a decision as to who deserves reincarnation and who will be sentenced to hell.

Short Stories to Remember

Death Parade is a short story based anime for the most part. Besides one part being a consistent part of the plot, the majority was different stories across the series. Some were touching while others disturbing crossing many points across the spectrum of entertainment. This being said, it strays from the stereotypical anime that are released every season. That always wins points for me since it tries something new, which is fairly rare in Japan. That being said, it does it well, creating interesting stories for the viewer to enjoy from start to finish.



Death Parade seems to have it all, whether it be romance, action, etc. It almost feels that the series had more potential than its allotted amount of episodes and that is where it falls short. Because of this, it doesn’t constitute as anywhere near a masterpiece. Instead, it is an enjoyable anime that everyone should take some time out to watch.

David Harada
David Harada
A weeb in hiding by day, an avid Manchester United supporter by night. Living on both sides of the coin, David has graduated with a Liberal Arts Degree in Philosophy and Writing from Soka University of America. With a strong background in Japanese culture and being able to speak the language to boot, this man straddles the line between full-time nerd and sideline athlete. To him, as long as it is interesting he will watch it!