Apple Getting Into Content Game, Resurrecting Steven Spielberg’s ‘Amazing Stories’

Apple is finally throwing their hat into the original content ring with a reboot of Steven Spielberg’s short-lived anthology series, Amazing Stories.

For all the kids out there, Amazing Stories was a Twilight Zone-style show tackling science-fiction, fantasy, and sometimes horror episodes. Spielberg directed a handful of the episodes. Other lauded directors and actors stepped up to helm a few episodes, including Peter Hyams, Bob Balaban, Burt Reynolds (!), Clint Eastwood, Joe Dante, and Martin Scorsese.

Amazing Stories only ran for two seasons from 1985 to early 1987. Apple is looking to resurrect the series, and it’s unclear if they want to get heavy hitters to come back and direct one-off episodes, but that would be pretty sweet. Imagine a one-hour fantasy or sci-fi show from Denis Villeneuve, Ana Lily Arimpour, or Christopher Nolan.


There’s no information regarding the release date for Amazing Stories, a schedule, or any actors who may join the first season. Stay tuned for updates.

Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry is the managing editor for Monkeys Fighting Robots. The Dalai Lama once told him when he dies he will receive total consciousness. So he's got that going for him... Which is nice.