So the new episode of Prison School is out today, and its even worse than the first one. It’s just one gross gag after another with this show, and not much else really going on. Which is totally fine, I’m fully aware of exactly what this show is going for. It just doesn’t really give me much to talk about. If there was anything satisfying about this episode for me is seeing Hana getting peed on after all that build up throughout the episode. One thing this show does accel in is paying off on a big joke that you were waiting for and practically begging for at the end. But other than that there really isn’t anything else to talk about. Sure Kiyoshi is working on escaping to go on a date with Chiyo, but that’s not really anything to look at either. Honestly I don’t think I’ve even seen a show where there literally wasn’t anything to talk about.
Now when I say that I mean talk about things that might bring up interest or discussion. And I don’t want to just post the most shocking things that happen during the episode because you already know all that. And that’s all I can think to do for this show, just talk about how gross the things that happen are. Honestly I can’t even talk about how these scenes make me feel because all I feel is usually shock. And again maybe a little satisfaction when Hana gets peed on.
Don’t get me wrong, I am still enjoying the show, I just have no idea how I am going to stretch these kind of episode by episode reviews for Prison School. And the answer is, I’m not. Yep, this will be the last time I talk about Prison School until it finishes its broadcast run. After that’s done I will do a full review of the whole show, and I think that’s the only possible way to handle this sort of show. And while I still may be hard pressed to find material when that time comes, I still think its important to cover a show like this since it is such an anomaly. And like I said before I do enjoy the show, so most of the review will probably be about my enjoyment and what I take away from it (if anything).
So I’m sorry if you were looking forward to my week to week reviews of Prison School but there simply isn’t enough happening on an episode to episode basis to warrant it. So all I can say is just sit back enjoy the show, and see me at the end of the season for my thought. Hopefully by then I will have some good ones!