‘Game Of Thrones’ Season 6 Finale: Ladies Night

Tons Of Strong Men On The ‘Game Of Thrones‘ Finale But The Women Were Really The Show-Stealers.

Another ‘Game Of Thrones‘ season has wrapped; the sixth was surely memorable. From the return of Jon Snow to King’s Landing exploding, there was so much to talk about. But at the center of all that drama were some of the most bad-ass women. This is most noticeable in the season finale. Each story, while featuring male characters, was backed by or influenced by the actions of a female character.

“Let the grown women speak”
Olenna Tyrell

We had two tales of revenge of this evening. First, Cersei Lannister gets her long-awaited revenge but at a grave cost. Blowing up The High Sparrow, she then captures the woman who tortured her. She’s lost her children but has power. As she sits upon the Iron Throne, her brother Jamie finally sees her for the evil queen she is.

Secondly, Arya Stark’sKill Bill’ style hit-list got one name shorter. After a hilariously disgusting scene where she sneakily feeds Frey his sons, she then slits his throat.

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Game Of Thrones
Lady Mormont delivered a speech that shifted the entire mood of the North’s celebration dinner. Jon Snow is finally accepted as king due to Mormont’s kind words. In true of ‘Game Of Thrones‘ style, the scene had one more impactful moment. Sansa Stark was rejoicing with Snow until she noticed Littlefinger sulking. Will her declining his advances lead to more drama down the line?

And finishing the episode, Daenerys & her dragons set sail to conquer the seven kingdoms. Earlier we saw the Sand Snakes team up of a grieving Olenna Tyrell. Varys appears out of nowhere with an offer. Does this mean the two houses joined Daenerys on that fleet of ships she has? This season focused heavily on Jon Snow and the North’s growing army but Daenerys Targaryen has built quite the squad.

What did you think of Episode 10, the season 6 finale, of ‘Game Of Thrones‘?
Did you enjoy all the strong female characters?

Let me know in the comments below!

EJ Moreno
EJ Morenohttp://Vimeo.com/EJMoreno
Who is EJ Moreno? Is he a trained physician? No. Is he a former Miss Universe contestant? Possibly. With a bachelors degree in film and a love of pop culture, he brings an alternative view to the world of pop culture journalism. Follow him on Twitter @EJKhryst and check out his film work at Vimeo.com/ejmoreno