The 90s may have given birth to Deadpool at Marvel Comics, but the decade also gave a rebirth to Lobo at DC Comics, and it appears the latter will make a small screen appearance in the near future.
The Lobo character was created by Roger Slifer and Keith Giffen, and first appeared in Omega Men #3 (June 1983). Lobo is an alien and works as an interstellar mercenary and bounty hunter. Lobo was introduced – although initially rarely used – as a hardboiled villain in the 1980s, and remained in limbo until his revival as an anti-hero biker with his own comic in the early 1990s.
A few days ago CBS released a sneak peek at this week’s episode of Supergirl, and the conversation between Martian Manhunter and Alex Danvers sounds like they’re talking about Lobo, and they’ve dealt with him before.
Martian Manhunter: “We could be dealing with an interstellar bounty hunter.”
Alex Danvers: “You don’t think…”
Martian Manhunter: “No, no… if he were in town, we’d know.”
The conversation takes place at the .38 seconds mark of the clip.
What do you think? Is Lobo coming to town and if so, will it be this season?
Supergirl airs Monday night on CBS.