Season Four of Arrow: The End of Olicity?

For most of Arrow’s fanbase, Olicity is the bane of their existence and one of their biggest complaints of season three. However, change may be coming in the upcoming season fourth season, according to stating:

“According to sources at Dragon-Con a scene that is the “opposite” of the one featured in Season 2 – seen below – will be featured in Season 4 and will feature Oliver and Laurel. The scene in question was one that many fans (non-Olicity blind) call one of the most powerful that the show has delivered as it featured true chemistry between characters and very powerful dialogue.”



Now, this could be pure speculation and what they mean by opposite, is up for interpretation. Season four could very well be the end Olicity, because it isn’t a matter of if, but rather when.  Anyone with any sort of understanding about the Green Arrow character, knows within his mythos Black Canary or Dinah “Laurel” Lance, is the Lois to his Superman or Mary Jane to his Spiderman. So unfortunately Felicity fans, there is a time table on their romance within Arrow and if this information is true, it could very well be coming to a close this season.

Katie Cassidy has gone through some drastic changes in her role as Laurel through the last three seasons, physically and emotionally. The same can be said for the fans, which have gone from hating the character to wishing she takes on an even bigger role on Arrow, one of which is her relationship with Oliver. Whether it happens this season, the next or even two from now, it will happen. However, fans need to remember Arrow is a drama and sometimes story lines like Oliver’s relationship with Felicity, are needed in order to incite the drama that drives the plot, as well as story.

Just have patience Arrow fans, because Olicity is coming to a close and it could very well be this season if this information is correct.

Chris Massari
Chris Massari
Hailing from the slums of Shaolin, but not really, Chris is a New Jersey native and Rowan University alumni in Journalism, Philosophy and Religion. He is an aspiring writer, always looking to expand his resume of stories and become better in the craft. Not only is Chris a writer but he also raps, working with Grammy winning song writer William Hart and his son Khalid, out of Philadelphia. In his free time, he practices punching people and choking them out, training in various martial arts and gyms along the east coast, throughout his lifetime. Also check him out at Ain't It Cool and ComicsVerse, as well as all things social media.