Why Is Veronica “Roulette” Sinclair Such An Appealing Villainess?

DC Comics’ villainess Veronica Sinclair, who goes by the alias “Roulette,” became more widely known after she appeared in the season two episode “Survivors” of Supergirl in 2016. She made another appearance in the episode “Supergirl Lives,” directed by Kevin Smith. But Veronica Sinclair first appeared years before in the comic book JSA Secret Files #2 in 2001. Although she does not have such a long and illustrious history as many other DC Comics villains, Roulette has become one of the most appealing female baddies of the DC universe. Let’s take a closer look at why she is so popular among comic book fans.

Veronica “Roulette” Sinclair’s Appearances

Geoff Johns and Derec Aucoin created the character of Veronica Sinclair. After her initial appearance in JSA Secret Files #2, Roulette made several appearances in other comic books, including Formerly Known as the Justice League and One Year Later. She also appeared in the animated series Justice League Unlimited and an episode of season nine of Smallville.

Who is Veronica “Roulette” Sinclair?

From Australia to Japan, people love playing カジノルーレット (casino roulette), so it is no wonder Veronica Sinclair’s supervillain name is named after a game that is so popular the world over. But she is not called Roulette without reason. The daughter of Debra Sinclair, who was an adversary of Mister Terrific, Veronica Sinclair owns a gambling establishment called The House. Using teleporter technology, she captures superheroes who must fight against each other in a superhuman gladiatorial arena as supervillains watch and place bets on the outcome.


Why is Veronica “Roulette” Sinclair so appealing?

Unlike most other villains and villainesses in the DC Comics world, Roulette is lacking in the superpowers department. In fact, she does not have any. But that is one reason why she has become so popular among comic book fans. Like Batman, she has to rely on her strength, wits, martial arts knowledge, and technology to defeat her foes. Although she is adept at hand-to-hand combat, and very handy with her hairpin that doubles as a dagger, it is Roulette’s intellect that makes her such a formidable opponent. After all, she managed to catch some of the world’s most powerful superheroes and pit them against each other, without the use of superpowers.

Roulette is an evil genius, and she knows all there is to know about gambling and probability calculations. With her tricks, traps, security devices, and robotic dog guards, she is always ready to take on the likes of such adversaries as Supergirl. She is also willing to apply the most horrible outcomes to losers in The House. For instance, she once forced Mister Terrific and Doctor Mid-Nite to go head-to-head in a game of chess in which the loser was electrocuted. Another time, she made Sand and Hawkman try to save Hawkgirl while infected with a fast-acting lethal virus. Later, after Supergirl closes down Roulette’s fighting ring, Roulette becomes involved in the intergalactic slave market, proving that she is truly an evil villainess. But it is undoubtedly Veronica “Roulette” Sinclair’s fighting ring that makes her stand out from the villainess crowd. After all, if there is one thing comic book fans love, it is seeing their favorite superheroes battling against each other.

Veronica “Roulette” Sinclair may not have appeared in many story arcs, but her appearances always bring some of the most challenging and dangerous circumstances to the superheroes she goes up against.

Don Draper
Don Draper
Donald Francis "Don" Draper is a founding partner and the Creative Director at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce Advertising Agency in Manhattan, NY. Prior to that position, he was the Director of the Creative Department at the Sterling Cooper Advertising Agency. He is regarded among his colleagues as the best to ever pitch copy.