SPIDER-WOMAN #8, available now from Marvel Comics, is about to portray a version of Jessica Drew that fans don’t typically get to see. All while a major war is happening in the background, as The King in Black rages on.

The Knull Invasion may be in full force, but that is not the first concern on Jess’ mind. Heck, it’s hardly a blip on her radar – despite all the reasons why she should be very concerned. Instead, she’s entirely focused on finding the cure not only for herself but for her niece, and eventually, for her son as well.
All good reasons to be concerned, to be sure. Yet her temporary cure comes with just as many problems as it solves. As evidenced by her behavior in Spider-Woman #7. Not to mention her reasoning for joining up with a new ally.
This is an ally that any Spider-Verse reader will recognize on sight, and with good reason. Now, Spider-Woman #8 is about to dive into a new series of adventures, and they’re going to come with quite the cost.

The Writing
As you might imagine, Spider-Woman #8 brings with it many surprises. Good to know that Karla Pacheco still has a few dramatic twists hidden up her sleeve. The progression (or rather, regression) of Jess’ mental state has become so painfully clear.
A fact that becomes even less avoidable if one was to go back and binge the series all in one go. Her character has changed drastically over the course of these eight issues, and it’s starting to feel like the transition is far from over.
What is really telling is that this major event, King in Black, has become a background event for Jess. Which, if one was to stop and think about it for even a minute, doesn’t make much sense. Seriously, where is her family at the moment? Is there anyone ‘safe’ at the moment?
Those concerns merge with concerns surrounding Jess’ actions, as Spider-Woman continues her hunt for a cure. It is admittedly interesting to see the different ways in which these two women think and how they handle different problems. Yet that interest is not enough to outweigh everything else rising to the surface.

The Art
As with the rest of this entire series so far, Spider-Woman #8 is full of brilliant artwork. Sometimes literally, as the case may be. It seems at times as if the colors themselves were about to pop right off the pages.
Pere Perez’s artwork is exactly what Spider-Woman’s series needed. The myriad of emotions and battles her character goes through in a single issue are perfectly captured here. Sometimes in shocking detail.
Meanwhile, Frank D’Armata’s set the tone. The green hues practically feel sinister, while the darker tones help to carry it all. The bright pops of color feel almost alarming in contrast, a fact that was certainly intentional.
VC’s Travis Lanham really outdid himself here, as once again, Jess’ actions really do carry impact. Sometimes literally, as crashes and crunches happen all over the pages. There’s no denying the damage this woman is causing.

Spider-Woman #8 is a tense and compelling read, albeit a concerning one. The creative team behind this series has done a wonderful job taking risks while also giving Spider-Woman plenty of chances to show off her abilities.