Comic book writer and artist, Todd McFarlane, has told his fans and news media, that he has written a hundred and thirty-two page treatment with the demonic anti-hero, Spawn. This would translate to a roughly two hour film if produced.

One of the biggest and iconic comic book characters to come out of the 90’s was Image’s Spawn. Spawn was a former member of the special forces who, after being murdered by his own unit, is sent to hell until making a pact with the Devil to return to earth to return to his wife, Wanda.
Back on earth, Spawn begins cutting his own path to redemption, defending those who cannot defend themselves. And he has an infinite amount of chains with extremely unfriendly hooks on them.
As the mascot for Image Comics and with a massive fan base, it was not long before Hollywood came knocking to make a major feature film. Of course, it also wasn’t long before the result of that endeavor began bearing unsavory fruits to the general public.

Not a complete failure as other comic book adaptations (and I personally felt some of the visual elements were amazing for the time), it did leave many wanting. Since then comic book movies have become a staple of summer and holiday blockbusters and with it many failed attempts are beginning to get another chance to enjoy some time in the limelight.
As such, McFarlane feels it is time to give Spawn another chance to make his mark on the silver screen. Added with recent successful reboots of comic book IP’s, this is not an unreasonable thought for McFarlane.
Whether or not this will be a better take on the hero remains to be seen. However, if a film is made, hopefully will avoid the potholes that doomed the previous production.
We hope.