Form Blazing Sword! With the announcement of a third season of Voltron: Legendary Defender coming to Netflix on August 4th 2017, fans are overjoyed about the continuation of this fantastic stories. In celebration, it’s time to look back at the best moments of the second season and see how they stack up.

WARNING: Spoilers for Voltron: Legendary Defender Season 1 and 2

7Ulaz’s Sacrifice (Shiro’s Escape)

In the first season, the Galra are thought to be completely evil. The second season makes a point to show not all of this alien race agrees with Zarkon and his methods. Through flashbacks, it is revealed, Shiro was only able to escape with the help of Galra named Ulaz, who informs the Paladins of the resistance group known as the Blade of Marmora. When one of Zarkon’s monsters arrives (dubbed Robeast for the first time ever) and is on the verge of defeating Voltron, Ulaz makes a strategic move for the greater good of the universe.