Unless you’ve been living under (or on) the Hellmouth, you’re probably aware that this week marks the 20th anniversary of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This little TV show that could, born from an ill-received flop of a movie, reemerged as an expected to fail mid-season replacement. What followed, though, was seven seasons of some of the best storytelling that ever graced the small screen. And although not every season was equally beloved, each one still had more than a handful of standout episodes that, like Buffy herself, were destined to become legend.

Read on to find out what I think were the single best episodes from every season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


4. Season Four, Episode Ten – “Hush”

“Hush” is often name-checked on these kinds of lists as one of the best episodes, and it’s hard to argue against that. As much an experiment in style as it is in narrative, “Hush” lets the whole chapter unroll with almost no dialogue at all. For a show recognized for its verbal wit, it was a self-created challenge that it rose to. It also featured one the creepiest monster designs in its entire run. It’s certainly a standout, and absolutely the best episode in the very decisive season four.