
An insanely fun Spider-Man issue full of action, comedy, and Gog.

Review: THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #62 – Gog at Gunpoint

The fun and light-hearted The Amazing Spider-Man #62, out now from Marvel Comics, still has its intense moments, as Spider-Man and Boomerang’s pet becomes a target.

The Amazing Spider-Man #62 - Coloring ExampleAfter the previous issue changed the series’ tone back to some more light-hearted plots, The Amazing Spider-Man #62 comes out swinging with a bombastic issue that never gets too serious. Nick Spencer’s writing ensures that it’s an enjoyable ride throughout the entire issue and focuses heavily on Spider-Man and Boomerang’s adorable pet, Gog. Action scenes are larger than life and help cement a classic Spider-Man feel to the issue. Spencer also — in his classic fashion — chooses to end the issue on a gripping cliffhanger, exciting readers to get their hands on the next issue.

The Amazing Spider-Man #62 Story Example


There is lots to be said about Patrick Gleason’s stunning art in The Amazing Spider-Man #62, but one of my personal favorites is how adorably he portrays Gog. The small reptilian monster is so cute, and there are panels with memories of Peter raising Gog that are so sweet they have no difficulty pulling on the reader’s heartstrings. Gleason’s characters also have wonderfully expressive faces, which works perfectly for both dramatic and comedic scenes. The panel layout for The Amazing Spider-Man #62 is incredibly creative, especially when separate scenes overlap in the same panel, such as when Kingpin gives an order for something that Spider-Man is seen rushing to prevent.

Edgar Delgado’s coloring in The Amazing Spider-Man #62 does a brilliant job matching the issue’s tone. The issue is almost is mostly humorous — for which Delgado chooses vivid colors — but in the brief moments where it lapses into serious matters, Delgado’s palette changes with the tone.

The Amazing Spider-Man #62 Art Example

Through various techniques, VC’s Joe Caramagna makes The Amazing Spider-Man #62‘s moments more immersive. Whether that be through bold fonts, extending dialogue past the borders of speech bubbles, or both. The exaggerated fonts that Caramagna implements in some of the speech bubbles pair wonderfully with the characters’ exaggerated expressions and assist the art in making the comedic intentions of the panel land. The fonts used for sound effects also help make the action scenes seem more intense, and overall the lettering of the issue is a superb complement to the art and story.

The Amazing Spider-Man #62 is like Spider-Man comfort food. It’s funny, has spectacular action, and has a more upbeat tone throughout. It feels like classic Spider-Man, and the issue is sure to be an entertaining experience for fans of the character.

David Weber
David Weber
David Weber is a student at University of Rhode Island. He enjoys spending his time absorbing nearly every form of art, including comics, books, movies, and plays. He can be reached at
An insanely fun Spider-Man issue full of action, comedy, and Gog. Review: THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #62 - Gog at Gunpoint