CATWOMAN #26, available this Tuesday from DC Comics, is about to bring Catwoman back to her roots, well, sort of. Following the events of the Joker War, our sticky-fingered feline needs some time to find herself and clean up a few loose ends.

Selina Kyle has moved back to Alleytown, the location where she began her infamous life of crime. This is part of her attempt to go back to her roots and to prove to the world that she is still the dangerous and talented criminal many knew her as.
Catwoman #26 is a complex issue, featuring a version of Catwoman who is recovering, all while the world itself is still coming to terms with what has happened. Catwoman made a whole lot of new enemies during the Joker War, and while it might have been the right thing to do, that won’t save her from the consequences.
*One thing that Catwoman #26 contained and likely every issue to release this week is an introduction stemming entirely from current events. This two-page spread talks about the history of voting in America and urges all readers to go out and vote. It’s a wonderful sentiment.

The Writing
Catwoman #26 simultaneously drops hints about her past while setting up for future conflicts. In that sense, it is quite elegantly done. There’s still a lot to learn about how Selina Kyle operates, and this plot arc is providing yet another glimpse into that side of her life.
Written by Ram V, this issue didn’t solely focus on Selina building herself back up (though there is undoubtedly that). It also ties in strongly with the events of the Joker War, and more specifically, with Batman 101.
In a way, it’s setting up for her next several rounds of conflicts, from the look of things. The risk and cost have been set; it’s really just a matter of waiting and seeing how it all goes down. In all likelihood, fans will get more chances to learn about her methods along the way.
All things considered, Catwoman #26 was a well-written issue, one that worked hard to develop a character who has changed so much over the years. While also reminding fans of how she formed in the first place.

The Art
The art inside Catwoman #26 has a lot to portray in a relatively small time frame. Selina is all over the place, setting up deals and adventures, not to mention a few threats that she doesn’t yet know about.
None of which would have carried the same impact if not for the artwork itself. Fernando Blanco (art), FCO Plascencia (colors), and Tom Napolitano (letters) all worked together to make this adventure pop.
Pop it does. The backgrounds are shockingly vibrant, with starry skies and colorfully lit buildings providing the backdrop for intense conversations and dramatic silhouettes. It’s all very much in line for Catwoman when you stop to think about it.
The characters feel almost fluid on the page, with their expressions clear as day and their personality shining through in unique ways. The action scenes, in particular have a unique look to them, but it all fits the narrative.

Catwoman #26 is exactly the issue fans, and Selina needed following the dramatic events in the Joker War. It gives Catwoman a chance to recover, go back to her roots, and address all the problems she helped to create.
In many ways, this is a story about Selina owning up to what she has done, both in recent and far past. It’s refreshingly honest while also a poignant reminder of how this clever character got her start.