Review: 11 Reasons That Make ‘Booster Gold/Flintstones’ A Funny, Clever, And Meaningful Time Travel Tale

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Booster Gold/Flintstones #1

Booster Gold/Flintstones “Booster Trouble”
Written by: Mark Russell
Art by: Rick Leonardi
Inks by: Scott Hana
Colors by: Steve Buccellato
Letters by: Dave Sharpe
Cover by: Mike and Laura Allred

Today saw the release of the first wave of DC’s Superhero/Hanna-Barbera comics. And, like everyone else, I was a bit skeptical on this concept at first. But Booster Gold is one of my favorite characters, and The Flintstones is a classic property (whose recent DC relaunch has been met with much acclaim) so I jumped right into it, as it seemed like the best fit for me to check this idea out. I’m REALLY glad I did, because Booster Gold/Flintstones #1 was one of the most fun, clever, and smart comics I have read lately. It really takes what could have been a silly cash-grab concept and elevates it, all while keeping the humor you would expect in a concept like this. Read on to find out 11 things that make Booster Gold/Flintstones #1 a must read this week.Booster Gold/Flintstones

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  1. That Mike and Laura Allred cover! ‘Nuff said!
  2. The Gotham City of 2472 (specifically the kid running around in the Joker mask).
  3. “Holy Gygax!” (All hail Dungeons & Dragons)
  4. The perfect balance of the seemingly light tone to make some very pointed and dark observations.
  5. Rick Leonardi, Scott Hanna, and Steve Buccellato creating some crisp, clean, and beautiful art.
  6. The bit with the ATM that has artificial intelligence.
  7. The banter between Booster and Skeets (never gets old!)
  8. The one-panel joke with the “Batman Security” guard on page 7 (check out his arm placement).
  9. The reaction the Flintstone gang has to Booster and his personality.
  10. Mark Russell actually created a tightly crafted, clever, meaningful and humorous time-travel story.
  11. “It’s theology, you wouldn’t understand”

Booster Gold/FlintstonesDon’t let the far out concept keep you from checking this book out. It’s a total breath of fresh air, and one of the funniest books I’ve read recently. Get on it now!

You can pick up Booster Gold/Flintstones at your local comic shop. 

Manuel Gomez
Assistant Comic Book Editor. Manny has been obsessed with comics since childhood. He reads some kind of comic every single day. He especially loves self-published books and dollar bin finds. 'Nuff said!
review-boostergold-flintstones-comicA funny, clever, tightly written and nicely drawn time-travel story.