Marvel Comics Exclusive Preview: SPIDER-GWEN: THE GHOST-SPIDER #1

SPIDER-GWEN: THE GHOST-SPIDER #1 hits your local comic book store on May 22nd, but thanks to Marvel Comics, Monkeys Fighting Robots has an exclusive six-page preview for you!

About the issue:

Welcome to New York! Gwen truly becomes a Ghost-Spider when she moves full time to the universe where Gwen Stacy died years ago. But why did she leave Earth-65? Why aren’t the other spiders supposed to know she’s here? Why isn’t she supposed to suit up? And who will get hurt when she does?


The issue is by writer Stephanie Phillips and artist Federica Mancin, with colors by Matt Milla, and letters by Ariana Maher. The main cover is by Mark Brooks and Nolan Woodard.

Check out our SPIDER-GWEN: THE GHOST-SPIDER #1 preview below:

marvel comics exclusive preview spider-gwen ghost spider gwen stacy spider-man

marvel comics exclusive preview spider-gwen ghost spider gwen stacy spider-man

marvel comics exclusive preview spider-gwen ghost spider gwen stacy spider-man

marvel comics exclusive preview spider-gwen ghost spider gwen stacy spider-man

marvel comics exclusive preview spider-gwen ghost spider gwen stacy spider-man

marvel comics exclusive preview spider-gwen ghost spider gwen stacy spider-man

marvel comics exclusive preview spider-gwen ghost spider gwen stacy spider-man

marvel comics exclusive preview spider-gwen ghost spider gwen stacy spider-man

Are you picking up SPIDER-GWEN: THE GHOST-SPIDER #1 next week? Sound off in the comments!

Anthony Composto - EIC
Anthony Composto - EIC
Editor-in-Chief for Monkeys Fighting Robots. A lifelong fan of Spider-Man and the Mets, Anthony loves an underdog story. He earned his B.A. in English because of his love for words, and his MBA because of his need for cash. He considers comics to be The Great American Art Form, and loves horror movies, indie dramas, action/thrillers, and everything in between.