Riri’s hunt continues in IRONHEART #10, out from Marvel Comics this Wednesday. This issue is full of twists and surprises, as well as an unexpected new team for our leading lady.

Riri Williams has always considered herself the solitary sort. Yet she seems to constantly attract people to her. And Ironheart #10 proves that this truly is a pattern, no matter where she may find herself.
Riri’s quest has brought her to the heart of Wakanda, where she met up with the one and only Shuri (check out the last issue for their dramatic introduction). This issue brings in a third member to the team, more if you count their backup. So if you’re looking for some fun team-ups, this issue is a good one to check out.

Eve L. Ewing wrote the script for this issue, and fans are going to be captivated by what she did here. Ewing wove together an issue full of laughter, teamwork, and some surprising drama. It makes for a fun and quick read. And naturally leaves fans anxious to get their hands on the next issue.
The twist/cliffhanger at the end of this issue is one of the main reasons readers will be looking forward to the next issue. But that’s probably no surprise there – the series has been building up towards a bigger plot for a while now.
The humor in this issue was spot on. And can easily be summed up in one word: Shuriri. Take a moment and digest that one. It’s okay, we’ll wait. Yep. You did read that one correctly. Ironheart #10 is full of quips and humor along those lines.

Also working on Ironheart #10 we have Luciano Vecchio and Matt Milla. Vecchio provided the lines, while Milla did the color. And together they created something outstanding. Their way of portraying Riri’s tech and the magic within these pages is truly stellar. The projections from Riri have never looked so good. It’s safe to say that a new standard has been set here.
Also on the project is VC’s Clayton Cowles, who provided the lettering for the issue. There was a lot that we needed to be told in this issue, and Cowles managed to do so without interfering in some of the amazing artwork mentioned above. It was the right balance.

Ironheart #10 was a fun and interesting read, with a sudden twist that added weight right at the end. It’s refreshing, in many ways, to see Riri working in a team again. With any luck, we’ll see these three continue together for just a bit longer.