Out this week from Marvel Comics, Ghost-Spider #4 progresses Gwen’s wacky school adventures with a villain that has a history with “her.”
Gwen Stacy has a stalker… Again… Actually it’s the same guy that is was forever ago. As you may know, Gwen Stacy of Earth 65 is the Spider-Woman of her world, who also outed herself as the killer of Peter Parker and was publically prosecuted, sent to jail, came back, was called Spider-Gwen for a time, started college in Earth 616 and has now taken to the name “Ghost-Spider.”
Coincidentally, teaching at the university that Gwen is attending is none other than Miles Warren, otherwise known as The Jackal. Who in the past, had an obsession with Gwen from Earth 616. (Peter Parker’s home dimension) Now that a Gwen Stacy has returned to this Earth, Warren’s creepy obsession can begin again.

While the pacing in for Ghost Spider is admittedly a little slow, seeing Gwen adapt to her new life is the more rewarding part of the story. Previous tales revolving around her had a tendency to be outright depressing almost all the time. Those stories are phenomenal in their own right but it is nice to see Gwen finally catch a break on all of the tragedy that had been surrounding her. Let’s be honest, she’s been through a lot. Ghost Spider #4 continues these feel-good moments for Gwen but also shows us signs of what is to come.
Seanan McGuire writes a good Gwen Stacy, the character feels genuine in her age and attitude with the same spunk we’ve come to love from our punk rock spider gal. Gwen is still as snarky as ever but also caring and selfless as shown by how much she worries for her friend Benji when she does not meet her after school.

Takeshi Miyazawa’s art has been top-notch and fitting for the Earth 65 aesthetic. His Gwen art in and out of costume differs mildly from previous artists’ like Robbi Rodriguez, for example, Gwen having longer hair and the suit having more notable shading all around. This is more a difference in styles than anything but Miyazawa’s designs still stands out to me and are very pleasing to look at.

I like the inking a lot in this issue particularly. There are a lot of good shadowy panels and Rosi Kämpe does an excellent job emphasizing them. The coloring by Ian Herring is strong as well, the backgrounds on Earth 616 and 65 differ in palette choices with 616 having more traditional skies of blue and orange and 65 keeping to its usual purples and neons. The lettering is done by VC’s Clayton Cowles and is well kept and easy to digest. All “Thwips” are accounted for.
Ghost-Spider #4 is a decent issue for Spider-Gwen fans, McGuire shows an understanding of the character well and I am curious to see where she takes it from here. Hopefully, we will continue to see more of Gwen and her symbiote on Earth 616 and potentially cross over more with the heroes there. Spider-Women was such a fun read I would love to see her team up with Silk or Spider-Woman again while she is there.
Who would you like to see Gwen team up with while she’s on 616? Miles? Ms. Marvel? Maybe the Unstoppable Wasp? Let us know in the comments!