FilmKind Podcast Episode 8: Top 5 Movie Trilogies

From Star Wars to Indiana Jones, movie trilogies are one of the most popular ways to entertain an audience and maintain profits on a major franchise. Over the years we’ve seen more than a few great trilogies but in the latest episode of the FilmKind Podcast, Kieran discusses his top five movie trilogies.

Also Read: FilmKind Episode 7: ‘Life’ Movie Review

FilmKind is an awesome new show discussing the latest movies and movie related content. With amazing weekly episodes and detailed reviews!


Listen To The FilmKind Podcast’s Top 5 Movie Trilogies Below!

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What’s your favorite movie trilogy? Did Kieran discuss it? Be sure to let us know in the comments section below and make sure to check back for more episodes of the FilmKind Podcast!

Kieran McLean
Kieran McLean
I’m obsessed with all areas of film and pop-culture, whether that’s a hidden world of witches and wizards, a universe filled with superheroes or a galaxy far, far away.