Monkeys Fighting Robots

This series will be a brief, semi-comedic review of the CW superhero shows. You can check out last week’s review post here. The only shows discussed will be ‘Arrow’, ‘Flash’, and ‘Supergirl’. There WILL be some spoilers discussed, so only look at the reviews you’re up to date on!


1. Arrow, “We Fall” (Jan 25th)

ARROW is picking up steam as it broadens its scope of the Arrowverse. Separating Team Arrow and The Outsiders allows the show to focus a bit more on all the characters (well, except for Diggle). While The Outsiders being defined by distrusting everyone is getting old, they’re still cool characters. Vigilante being a double agent makes more sense than him being a villain, but the idea of Black Canary getting back together with him is boring. The Oliver-William feels repetitive, though this seems to be a step towards resolving it. Ending the episode on a defeat is also a nice touch, as it humanizes Oliver, showing that he’s not invulnerable. While Felicity’s hyperspeed explanation of… something to do with Cayden James’ dead son did nothing to clear up the situation, it’ll be interesting to see how the “Arrow killed Cayden’s son” story evolves.

SCORE: 7.5/10 Electric Elevators


The Flash: 4.5 Weeks

Supergirl: 3.5 Weeks

Arrow: 2.5 Weeks

What show did you think won the week? Does Legends of Tomorrow take your vote? Do you think A.o.S. or Gotham outshines all the CW shows? Let us know in the comments below!

Jon Barr - TV Editor
Jon Barr is a comedian and TV Phanatic. Yeah, he meant to spell it that way. It's like the Philly Phanatic, like from Philadelphia, because he's from - you get it. He loves good TV & mocking bad TV. You can find him all over the web.