This series has been a brief, semi-comedic review of the CW superhero shows. You can check out last week’s review post here, or see the tally of winners below. The only shows discussed will be ‘Arrow’, ‘Flash’, and ‘Supergirl’. There WILL be some spoilers discussed, so only look at the reviews you’re up to date on!
“Finish Line” (May 23)

It’s no secret that these review posts have not been kind to The Flash. However, the finale makes a lot of weak Flash elements work. Wrapping up the season gave the CW a chance to resolve all the issues. That’s not just good for a season finale, but for the show itself. By sorting out the convoluted elements, the show becomes more sensible as a whole.
The relationship with Barry and Savitar has been continuously confusing. The connection between the two, and the shared memories, have strange rules. Finally, the conflict between them is simplified to hero vs villain. Savitar’s more human twist at the beginning of the episode was very strange. But by the end, he’s boiled back down to villain, and Savitar becomes compelling up to the very end.
The way character journeys get wrapped up is nice. Caitlin doesn’t have to watch yet another boyfriend die. Whether Julian hangs around for long, Caitlin has more going on for her. The death of HR was a fantastic twist, and sets up Tracy as an interesting new character. The lack of Wally is a bummer, but he’s gotten a lot of shine this season. What’s interesting is how the show will reintroduce the 4th Harrison Wells.
The ending of the episode was also great. There was no time-travel nonsense – in fact, there was redemption. Barry agrees to leave because he, like us, realizes he can’t keep messing with time. So much of the dumb and annoying parts of The Flash come from time travel. The hope is that, by going into the Speed Force prison, Barry has learned his lesson – for REAL.
It’s a shame that The Flash took a while to wrap up its convoluted elements. However, the show manages to make everything right by the end. That’s what a finale is meant to do, and the season benefits from a strong finish.
SCORE: 8/10 Bazookas