Last night on Saturday Night Live, Adam Driver was the host, and as expected, they did a sketch that focused on Driver’s character Kylo Ren. Apparently Kylo Ren is a terrible boss, and now the First Order Storm Troopers have him as an undercover boss. Driver’s character tells the audience ” You get so caught up in restoring the galaxy to its rightful state that you miss what’s going on behind the scenes.”I’m looking forward to having some real talk with some real folks.” Check out the sketch from last night.
Kylo shuns his black robes for overalls as he masquerades as the geeky Matt the Radar Technician. Cameras are set up in the canteen and the storm troopers are unaware that “Matt” is the commander of the first order.The skit sees the disguised Ren ask some stormtroopers if they like working there and what they reckon of Kylo’s chances of “finishing what Darth Vader started.The highlight of the sketch was when one of the storm troopers referred to Kylo as a “little punk bitch.”