The Shannara Chronicles Episode 6 Review: Love, Marriage, And Mayhem

The Shannara Chronicles new run on SpikeTV crosses over into the final five episodes. Episode five revealed some further details that’ll make the race to the finish a wild one. To make things interesting, Spike aired episodes five and six together. And will air the remaining four episodes in two batches of two. So, that leaves very little Shannara left for the rest of the year. —Insert sad emoji here— However, let’s look on the bright side of things. After last night, we have four more episodes to close out the show’s much-improved season two run on SpikeTV.

The narrative hits a major new high.

So, episode five brought us to here and where is that exactly? To recap, Eretria is part demon and must train to resist the will of the Warlock Lord. Eretria might be the key to stopping the rise of evil, but only if she harnesses her power. And as we know, the young former Rover isn’t much about discipline.

Wil and Mareth are in the Shannara version of Back to the Future, trying to find the Warlock Skull for Bandon to save Flick’s life. A smart set of clues leads them right to what they are seeking. But the past has surprises that Wil never knew about.


Jax is hired by Tamlin to kill Riga, leader of the Crimson forces. The mission doesn’t go as planned for the weapon master. However, Jax, as is becoming the norm, puts his skills on display again in an attempt to survive. If anyone were to have a spinoff show, Jax would be a perfect candidate.

Eretria stands face-to-face with a minor wraith, a lesser minion of the Warlock Lord. The creature serves as Eritrea’s training ground on the road to mastering the darkness inside of her.

If there is one thing to say here it’s that Shannara dropped the mic here.

The narrative hits a major new high. It also ditches a lot of the exposition from the previous episode.

As Wil’s story unfolds, it redirects the future of the world. Will the Warlock King rise again and rule the Four Lands? Running alongside that, the fate of the Four Lands also hinges on the political turmoil between Ander, King of the Elves, Queen Tamlin, and the Crimson rebellion. It’s a careful balancing act between stories that Shannara Chronicles does well. And here, both trains come to their respective dramatic stations to unload a whole lot of WTF! And as trope-y as Shannara can sometimes get, it also subverts genre tropes in a nod to Game of Thrones.

If there is one thing to say it’s that Shannara dropped the mic here. The show is staring viewers down, arms crossed in an epic dramatic pose. What is to come with the final four episodes and the future of the Four Lands?

Ruben Diaz
Ruben Diaz
Writer, film-fanatic, geek, gamer, info junkie & consummate Devil's advocate who has been fascinated by Earth since 1976. Classically trained in the ways of the future.