Evangeline Lilly Reveals The Wasp Will Not Appear In ‘Avengers: Infinity Wars’

Marvel’s slate of films is growing by the day, but there’s one character I’m particularly excited to meet. Ant-Man & The Wasp will finally throw a female hero into the mix. After introducing her character, Hope Pym in Ant-Man we can look forward to Lilly suiting up in the MCU, just not in Avengers: Infinity Wars. 

Infinity Wars

Blastr caught up with Lilly at New York Comic Con and asked her about Hope Pym’s development in Ant-Man & The Wasp but the actresses response was a surprising one. Lilly revealed that Avengers: Infinity Wars won’t include The Wasp, but the character will appear in the fourth Avengers movie.

Watch The Interview Below

This actually makes a lot of sense. Marvel wants to introduce all of its characters in the right way, and if waiting is what they need to do, then we should all be happy with that decision.

Ant-Man & The Wasp Will Land In 2018. 


Kieran McLean
Kieran McLean
I’m obsessed with all areas of film and pop-culture, whether that’s a hidden world of witches and wizards, a universe filled with superheroes or a galaxy far, far away.