Story By: Scott Snyder
Art By: Yanick Paquette
Review : 9.5/10
At the end of last issue Alec Holland was left on the edge of death . Impaled and bleeding out Alec is suffering as The Parliament of Trees burns to the ground. Snyder decides to finally show his hand and writes an extremely powerful and strong argument for Alec becoming Swamp Thing even though he directly defied The Green . The Parliament tells Alec that they want him to watch them suffer and ultimately die after they have burnt to the ground. Snyder’s dialogue between Alec and the Parliament couldn’t be more perfect . Digging deeper into The Parliaments behavior and characterizing them almost as angry children who feel slighted. Alec tells the Parliament that they lack a conscience and that his sole purpose is to give balance to The Green. Finally The Parliament use Alec’s last container of restorative formula and Alec transforms into Swamp Thing.
I have to say that this is Yanick’s strongest work to date on the book. His panel breakdowns continue to amaze me . Using smeared blood in the scenes with the Rot and Foliage , Sunflowers and Vines to break up the panels with Alec and the Parliament . Pacing and facial expressions are spot on and seeing Alec slowly succumb to the green taking over his body and internal organs was chilling and exciting . Which brings me to the last few pages of this book . Swamp Thing is born again , this time with Alec in the driver’s seat proper. Snyder and Paquette show just how powerful Swamp Thing is now with a sequence of panels that start with a stretched out index finger and ends with a brutal display of power as vines spiral forth and impale the poor victims of the Rot who came to kill Alec in the beginning of this issue.
After putting Alec and his support cast through every kind of imaginable hell , Swamp Thing #7 manages to put an emphatic exclamation point on Alec Holland and his sacrifice to become Swamp Thing to save his love from the Rot. Its classic Movie monster magic in comic book form . The last page sets up a collision course with Swamp Thing and The Rot . Scott Snyder and Yanick Paquette continue to move this book into uncharted territory for the character and we all of us get to sit back and reap the benefits.
Mike DeVivo
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