SPOILER Review: ‘The Flash’ #27 Brings The Fight Between Flash & Reverse-Flash To A Bitter End

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The Flash and Reverse-Flash bring their epic confrontation to an end. Barry absorbs aspects of the negative speed-force and literally fights his enemy across time. But even if he defeats the villain, the Scarlet Speedster may find out he has lost the battle and much, much more. The Flash #27

The Flash #27
Running Scared –Conclusion
“I Will Possess Your Heart”
 Written by: Joshua Williamson
Art by: Paul Pelletier & Howard Porter
Inks by: Andrew Henessey & Howard Porter
Colors by: Hi-Fi
Lettered by: Steve Wands

Published by: DC Comics

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SPOILERS! Joshua Williamson brings this action packed story to a close, ending it on a quiet and sad moment. And although this issue lacked a bit of the narrative drive this arc started with, it was still an important story and one that will seemingly affect the dynamic of the Flash and his extended family for some time to come and also leaves Barry with some new powers and abilities. Read on for 11 reasons The Flash #27 changes lanes and leaves the road open for some great upcoming tales.The Flash #27

  1. Barry and Thawne literally fighting through time. That concept just doesn’t get old in The Flash.
  2. The long, vertical panels and ‘wide screen’ splashes during the above fight scene. It gives it the feel of a huge, blockbuster cinematic sequence. Great job by the art team!
  3. The balance of action and emotional beats. It’s both a physical and an internal battle here.
  4. Barry’s new look after absorbing negative speed-force energy.
  5. “You think murdering your mother was bad? That’s not even in the top ten horrible things I do to you.” –Reverse-Flash. Thawne is pretty chilling.
  6. SPOILER!- Iris West ‘killing’ the Reverse-Flash!
  7. How even in defeat, Thawne still wins this one.
  8. “Is there anything else? Anything else you lied to me about?” –Iris West.
  9. “And as long as I had that, I was never alone” – Reverse-Flash.
  10. The final image of Barry sitting alone.
  11. The potential we are left with; Barry’s new powers. The fracturing of his relationships. This is a dark place for the Fastest Man Alive.The Flash #27

So now we are left with Barry in a much different place than we saw him in before, and that is really what you want out of a good story. Williamson is at the very least writing an entertaining, well-paced Flash run. He is changing the character as he goes along. Good stuff. Let’s see which way Barry runs next!

Manuel Gomez
Assistant Comic Book Editor. Manny has been obsessed with comics since childhood. He reads some kind of comic every single day. He especially loves self-published books and dollar bin finds. 'Nuff said!
spoiler-review-flash-issue-27A solid conclusion to a good arc. This story leaves the Flash at an excellent point for future stories.