
An intelligent and sexy opening for this unique new espionage comic.


From writer Pornsak Picheshote (The Good Asian, Dead Boy Detectives) and legendary artistic duo Terry & Rachel Dodson comes a sharp and sexy as hell espionage debut with The Manchurian #1. Featuring Jeff Powell on letters and design and John Ereck on color flats, this first issue is a compelling and stunning opener. With Picheshote’s clever and deeply intelligent writing alongside the Dodson’s gorgeous, seductive visual work, The Manchurian is off to a fantastic start.

“A Muslim exorcist, a reverse Indiana Jones, and more. THE HORIZON EXPERIMENT are one-shots created by comics, film, and TV superstars, providing new POVs on popular genres and acting as pilots for new series. It starts with THE MANCHURIAN, a Chinese James Bond running covert missions in America for the enemy…”

Writing & Plot

Pornsak Picheshote takes his demonstrated skill in the world of conspiracy/mystery thrillers and applies it to international espionage in The Manchurian #1. A neat mix of 007 and The Americans, this chapter establishes a type of spy setting very new to the genre – in and out of comics. Much like its influences, Manchurian is based on a very real agency – in this case China’s own espionage organization – but is made into a sort of mythology to make a story this feels grounded yet irresistibly improbable. Picheshote’s script is exciting for sure, but he’s also making sure you’re paying attention. Every page is filled with narration and dialogue, making for a denser read than many action comics. If you’re one who prefers to let the visuals and sequential direction do the storytelling, you may want to check out another comic. Luckily, Picheshote’s writing is never boring or unnecessary, and it makes the reader interface with every aspect of these characters. Keep in mind that this issue is technically still just a one-shot – a part of Image’s Horizon Experiment. Each “pilot” in the Experiment has the goal of presenting a classic genre with a twist, typically taking place from the perspective of a minority group from creators that have a unique take on specific genres. Hence, Picheshote’s distinct take on the Hollywood espionage genre. As such, it’s easy to understand why this single issue is so loaded with information and exposition. I do hope Manchurian is picked up as a full series – there’s a ton of potential in this story, and Picheshote’s script is a fun as it is compelling.


Art Direction

Few artists in the comics industry nail the smooth charm and seductiveness of Hollywood espionage like Terry and Rachel Dodson, and they work their magic once again here in The Manchurian #1. The iconic duo bring their signature visual style to Picheshote’s script and make it irresistibly stunning while also adding to the story’s compelling allure. Terry Dodson’s pencils and colors bring each character to life in a very 007 manner – meaning that each person is absurdly attractive. Beneath that exterior though, they are still also fully realized characters with distinct personalities and body language exhibited through the Dodson’s work. Terry’s sequential direction has a blockbuster film-like structure, lending an urgency to the conversational scenes and more impact to the action. The colors are rich and also cinematic, with every panel having a kind of stage-lit feel like they’re being shot on film. All of this works spectacularly for the comic because of what The Manchurian is effectively emulating. Letterer and designer Jeff Powell even brings in a Hickman-esque data sheet about Chinese espionage that makes the comic feel even more like it was taken out  of a sealed folder in a locked filing cabinet. Visually, The Manchurian is a vibrant and deliciously sexy ode to spy cinema while still utilizing the comics medium to its fullest.


The Manchurian #1 is a sharp and stunning pilot for what will hopefully become a full series. Pornsak Picheshote’s writing is dense in the world of comics, but offers an intelligence and swagger in its worldbuilding that makes it fun to read while demanding your full attention. The visuals from Terry and Rachel Dodson are sleek, sexy, and well animated, bringing this alternate 007-style story to life with brilliant flare. Be sure to grab this one-shot when it hits shelves on September 25th!

Justin Munday
Justin Munday
Reader and hoarder of comics. Quietly sipping coffee, reading, and watching sci-fi in Knoxville, TN.
An intelligent and sexy opening for this unique new espionage comic.Review: THE HORIZON EXPERIMENT: THE MANCHURIAN #1 - New Era Cold War