Review: 11 Reasons To Dive Into ‘Reborn’ #5 Before The Series Concludes Next Issue

Monkeys Fighting Robots

Bonnie Black is an elderly woman living out her last days in a care home. Although visited by a loving granddaughter, surrounded by friends, and filled with memories of a happy life, Bonnie still fears death. Prone to strokes, she goes to sleep wondering if she will even wake up. But what Bonnie Black doesn’t know is that death is just the beginning…after her death, Bonnie finds herself in a bold, dangerous, and unfamiliar new world, populated by all manner of magic and monster. But Bonnie is not alone, as everyone from her past life exists in the new realm, some are friends, some are family, some are enemies, and some are something much, much worse. And as Bonnie undergoes a journey to track down her husband, her enemies begin to unleash a new plot that could affect the world she left behind and everyone on it.

Reborn #5
Reborn #5

A Millarworld Book
Image Comics
Written by: Mark Millar
Art by: Greg Capullo
Inks by: 
Jonathan Glapion
Colors by: 
Fco Plascencia

Monkeys Fighting Robots Youtube

Created by: Mark Millar and Greg Capullo

Reborn #5 has probably been my favorite issue of this series so far. With only one issue to go, this chapter had a lot to resolve and even more to set up for a logical and satisfying conclusion next month, and I have to say it delivered completely. Here are 11 reasons to read Reborn #5.Reborn #5

  1. The very human and honest narration that grounds the fantastical story.
  2. Greg Capullo’s, Jonathan Glapion’s and Fco Plascencia’s absolutely gorgeous art.
  3. The design of the six-armed dead giant on page 6.
  4. Actually, the creature designs, in general, are amazing
  5. The way Mark Millar builds the world through background glimpses and subtle narrative and not exposition.
  6. The touching flashbacks to Bonnie’s life on Earth.
  7. The deliberate, suspenseful tension and pacing of Bonnie and her father’s journey.
  8. The twist about Bonnie’s husband, emotional and not “shocking”.
  9. The tiny little fairies floating around subtlety in almost every panel.
  10. The realistic and natural dialogue.
  11. The final reveal of who Lord Golgotha finally is.

Reborn #5Personally, I can’t wait for the conclusion of the series. Not because I want it to end because I want to see HOW it will end. Look for my review next month and pick up this book now.

You can pick up Reborn at you local comic book shop.

Manuel Gomez
Manny Gomez is a freelance writer based out of South Florida's west coast. He loves comics, horror movies and punk rock.
review-reborn-issue-fiveExcellent storytelling, suspense, art, and world building!